Vastu Tips for Traders (Share Market, Commodity & Forex)
Are there any Vastu Tips for Traders in Stock Market, Commodity and Forex Market?
Before getting into this let’s first understand what is online trading, why is it so lucrative and why is it tough to earn money in this market?
and finally, can Vastu really help in earning money in the Stock Market / Share Market, Commodity Market or Forex / Currency market
What Is Online Trading?
Online trading is basically the act of buying and selling financial products through an online trading platform. These platforms are normally provided by internet-based brokers and are available to every single person who wishes to try to make money from the market.
Why Is It So Lucrative?
Lower fees: Fees or brokerage for online trading is very low as compared to traditional brick and mortar business.
More control and flexibility: It takes very little time (few seconds) to enter into a trade or to exit out of it.
Access to online tools: Today’s online trading companies offer customers an impressive suite of tools providing valuable information and helping optimize trades.
Option to monitor investments in real-time: Many online trading sites offer stock quotes and trade information that make it easy for people to see how their investments are doing in real-time and they see real-time profit or loss and can make a decision whether to carry the trade or close it.
These are the few benefits that make online trading very lucrative.
Why Is It Tough To Earn Money In This Market?
We have heard a saying, Practice makes a man perfect, and it holds good in online trading too.
It’s very easy to get into this market and even easier to get hooked to online trading as it shows quick money to the traders. However, it’s not easy to earn money in this market, and those who have traded in this market they would know what I mean. One has to know Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis or Financial Astrology.
Apart from these technical skills, a trader while trading into the stock market, commodity market or currency/forex market needs to take control of 3 things anger, fear and greed.
Can Vastu Really Help Online Traders?
We may not be able to control anger, fear and greed, however, Vastu can definitely help in this regard.
I am a trainer in this market so apart from providing technical analysis training to my students I also suggest they follow some Vastu & Feng Shui tips to have that extra edge. I have seen people benefiting from Vastu in terms of having better concentration, clear thinking and patience to enter into and trade and holding the profit-making positions.
Vastu Tips for Traders (Share, Commodity & Forex Traders)
- Activate Wealth Luck of your house using Vastu and use Chinese Numerology to find your lucky directions and sit in one of your favourable directions to get the favour from Nature.
- While trading face either North, the direction of Lord Kuber & Lord Ganesha or North East the direction of (Jupiter and Lord Shiva) health, wealth and prosperity if supported by other Vastu rules.
- Trading requires extended attention, patience and quick decision making, for this a trader needs to have a minimum of 6-8 hours of sound sleep. We need to ensure that we follow the best Vastu for Bedroom practices to ensure sound sleep.
- A healthy lifestyle is a must for traders and they should ensure their Kitchen is Vastu friendly so that they get the best out of the food prepared there and they keep unnecessary expenses under control.
- Don’t sit in front of a blank wall when you trade it blocks foresightedness and clear thinking. (Facing window works better)
- Avoid having your back towards a Door / Window while trading, it reduces attention span and traders may make mistakes in taking the right trades. Instead have a solid wall behind your back when trading. Preferable a wall in West / South or both.
- While studying face East, the direction of quality, traders require knowledge about world events, economical policies of Govt, and about trading (Price Action method, Technical Analysis, Wyckoff Trading method or Financial Astrology). East direction helps us in gaining quality knowledge and we don’t forget that knowledge easily.
About The Consultant
Dinesh Atrish is a celebrity international Name Vibrations Specialist / Astrologer / Vastu consultant / Feng Shui practitioner.
Trains Stock Market Traders on Financial Astrology & Technical Analysis.
Call us at +91 9990513999 or email at
Baby Names | Business Name Numerology | Name Vibrations Reports | Stock Market Numerology
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do you know feng shui ??? can u help me in this ??
Hi Ashish,
We do know Feng Shui, let us know what kind of help you need.
I have learned technical analysis & trading since 3 years, but still I lack in decision making, like either i enter wrong trade & most of time is trade is right i book profit very early…. Kindly help
Hi Khushbu,
You can let us know what have you learnt and we can discuss where you are lacking. After the detailed analysis we can try working for a solution for you.
I am regularly trade last 3 years. I seat in south west corner and facing towards north but I have losses maximum time kindly suggest me some vastu tips.
You need to check a few things,
1. Is North one of your lucky directions?
2. Are you trading in the right commodity?
3. Are you following the right trading strategy or trading style (technical, fundamental or astrological?
Hi Dinesh
I have learnt technical trading but I had losses in the past so I am scared to enter the trade. How can I overcome this fear?
Hi Pankaj,
We can discuss this over the phone, you can call us at +91 7042523259.
Gold kab niche aayega
Not really soon. We will have to wait for it.
Hi I know to make profit but cannot focus on right move
Hi Pankaj,
I know this is something every trader experiences and it requires a lot of patience to catch the right moves.
When i face east .there is Mirror facing myself infront and when i face west mirror(dressing table) is back of that okay
Yes, it is okay.
I am making lossen in stock markets .can I make profit by trading
Hi Dinesh,
To make profit in this market you need to learn the tricks of the trade, luck does not favour for a very long time in this market. How will you match the skills of the pros without learning? You can Whatsapp us on +91 7042523259 to discuss more.