Surya Mudra: Hand Mudra To Lose Weight Easily
Surya Mudra is a single-hand gesture (asamyukta hasta) used for weight loss, depression, and improving digestion. So, it is the arrangement of fingers that shows the energy we get via the Sun.
We all know that Hand Mudras make a substantial impact on our body, mind and soul via the healing energy they produce when we practice them. Hand Mudras can help us in recovering faster if we are under any medication or treatment. It is also observed that people practicing hand mudras improve their innate healing potential and reduce their dependency on medicines.
We had been ignoring our health for quite a long time; however, now it should become a priority for all of us as ‘HEALTH is the new WEALTH.’
Sun is the only natural source that gives energy in the form of heat to all living and non-living matters on Earth. Same way, the fire element provides strength to all other elements inside our body, and this fire is ignited by Sun.
Astrologically also Sun is the most powerful planet in the horoscope, and whenever any planet comes very close (less than 8°) to Sun, that planet gets combust (destroyed by fire). You will notice many Numerologists suggest their clients change the spelling of their name so that the total of the name becomes 1 (Sun) so that no one dominates in front of them; this practise is particularly prevalent in Bollywood and Politics.
It’s the fire element, giving us the power to remain disciplined and boost internal strength quickly.
Step by Step Guide To Do Surya Mudra:
After knowing all the benefits of Surya Mudra, let’s learn the step by step process of practicing it.
- Sit in a comfortable seated position with the spine erect; we may sit on a yoga mat, a regular mat, or even sit on a chair. Do not sit (touch) directly on the ground while practicing Surya Mudra.
- Practicing hand mudras with yoga postures viz. half-lotus or full lotus posture (Padmasana) undoubtedly gives better results; however, that is not mandatory. We can practice them in any comfortable position.
- Surya Mudra gives increased benefits for improving digestive function if practiced while sitting in Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose).
- It is a single-hand gesture that is practiced with each hand; however, if we can’t practice with both hands, practicing it with one hand also gives favourable results.
- Curl the ring finger towards the palm and rest it at the base of the thumb, now cover it with the thumb’s pad at the second phalanx.
- With palm facing upwards, keep all other fingers extended and straight
- Try resting hands at the abdomen’s side or on your thighs/knees if you have to practice mudra for a longer duration.
- Practicing Surya Mudra with pranayama (breathing exercise) gives better results.
5 mins of the practice of Prana Mudra after Surya Mudra will help in bolstering the effect of Surya Mudra.
We can also practice Gyan Mudra at the end of any Yogic Practice for calming our minds.
Duration For Surya Mudra
We can practice any hand mudra for as low as 5 minutes; however, it should be practiced for minimum 45 minutes in a day for better results. If we can’t practice it for 45 minutes at a stretch, we can practice 2 sessions of 22.5 minutes each or 3 sessions of 15 minutes each.
We enjoy every mudra, which either heals us or removes any deficiency from our body, which could result from the imbalance of different elements. If your body is enjoying the mudra, you can continue it for more time. Usually, our body sends us the signal when the requirement is fulfilled, the way we get to know that we are satiated.
When To Practice Surya Mudra
We can practice this mudra in any position: while walking, sitting, standing, lying down or at the office seat, travelling in bus, metro, airplane etc. For an increased benefit, practice first thing in the morning in yoga poses Vajrasana, Padmasana or Siddhasana.
Surya Mudra generates heat inside our body; we can stick to comparatively colder timings during summers (mornings & evenings) to avoid excessive heat. However, during winter, we can practice it any time, especially when we feel cold or suffering from any ailment related to cold viz. dry skin, sore throat, and painful joints.
Just try practicing all hand mudras on an empty stomach or ensure there is a gap of 2 hours between any hand mudra and a heavy meal.
Prana Mudra, Kuber Mudra, Prithvi Mudra, Surya Mudra, Gyan Mudra, Dhyan Mudra, Vayu Mudra, Shuni Mudra, Buddhi Mudra, Ganesha Mudra

How Does Surya Mudra Work?
Two fingers that are used in practicing Surya Mudra
Thumb : Fire – Mars
Ring Finger : Earth – Sun
Using Hand Mudras, we can enhance, suppress or balance any of the elements in our body. Whenever we press any finger with the thumb, we suppress that element, and that element gets reduced.
When we practice Surya Mudra, we suppress the Earth element (Ring Finger) with the Fire element (Thumb), and we burn the excessive fat we have in our body, and that is how/why we reduce weight.
Benefits of Surya Mudra:
- Surya Mudra improves our metabolism, which helps in burning excess fat on our bodies.
- Increase amount of fire in the body (body heat) aids in getting rid of the problem caused by cold weather like Dryness of skin, Sore throat, Pain in joints & Flu.
- It improves digestion and helps in fighting the loss of appetite (Anorexia).
- This Mudra reduces the extra cholesterol accumulated in the blood vessels and lowers the risk of heart attacks.
- Surya Mudra ignites the fire in our lives, improving our willpower, which helps get rid of sluggishness, mental fogginess, and depression.
- It also helps in detoxifies the body
- Surya mudra proves beneficial in the problems like shivering, cold, coldness of body parts.
- It is exceptionally beneficial during a brisk walk or slow running/jogging.
- Surya Mudra generates heat that helps the pancreas gland to develop new insulin. When insulin begins secreting, it allows glucose to enter the body’s cell, where it gets converted into energy. In this way, blood glucose levels get down, and diabetes can be controlled.
Surya Mudra for Weight Loss
Over 650 million people are obese globally, which is increasing, and all of them are trying to reduce weight. Amidst all this chaos, Surya mudra is proving extremely beneficial.
- Obesity gives rise to indigestion and sleep disorders; using Surya Mudra, we can improve our digestion (by stimulating fire element) and reduce sleep disorders by suppressing the Earth Element.
- Extra weight is nothing but an accumulation of waste; Surya Mudra helps detoxify the body by regulating ‘Apan Vayu – downward moving energy’.
- Enhancing the fire element also helps in reducing the post-delivery fat deposits.
Surya Mudra for Thyroid
The thyroid gland is located at the front of the neck, just below Adam’s apple. It is butterfly-shaped, and it produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolic rate-controlling heart, muscle and digestive function, brain development and bone maintenance.
Thumb – the Fire Element inside our body, stimulates the metabolic functioning of the thyroid gland.
Surya Mudra for Digestion
Surya Mudra is predominantly a heat-generating mudra that stimulates the digestive fire inside the body. This digestive fire fastens the chemical reaction of producing enzymes required to digest food.
This hand mudra has the potential to cure all the diseases which occur due to indigestion like constipation, ulcers, gastroparesis, etc.
Surya Mudra for Eyes
The fire element in our body boosts Alochaka Agni (Alochaka Pitta), responsible for vision (sight). Surya Mudra aids in producing Alochaka pitta, which enables us to see things, perceive and analyze them.
Alochaka Agni produced by Surya mudra can help improve the blur vision or prove beneficial for the people who are suffering from leucoma (a disorder related to eyes and vision).
Surya Mudra Precaution:
Yoga or Yoga Mudras/Hand Mudras do not carry any side effect; however, there are few precautions which we must keep in mind, as an excess of everything is bad, so if we get excessive heat or cold, then our body may not be able to bear with that.
- Never practice Surya mudra during fever, as this could give excessive heat to the body.
- During summers, practice this Mudra in an open space to avoid extra heat accumulation in the body.
- Surya Mudra generates heat, and if it is practiced for a longer duration, then we may feel dehydration, so have ample (a glass is enough) water before practicing the mudra.
- Those who are already skinny (underweight) should avoid practicing this Mudra for a longer duration, as they may reduce more weight. However, they can practice it for 5-10 minutes for any issue related to indigestion.
About The Consultant
Dinesh Atrish is a celebrity international Name Vibrations Specialist / Astrologer / Vastu consultant / Feng Shui practitioner.
Trains Stock Market Traders on Financial Astrology & Technical Analysis.
Call us at +91 9990513999 or email at
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