How to Find Lucky Mobile Number Using Numerology?
We all want to have that shower of blessings on us, which makes people say that he/she is fortunate. Everybody may not be born lucky; however, it is essential to have luck favouring you.
Why? Because if it is not on your side, no matter how hard you try, you will not get the desired results.
Inviting luck in your life takes a conscious effort by using esoteric sciences like Name Vibrations, Feng Shui, Vastu, Astrology, and Numerology.
And selecting auspicious numbers for yourself is also a constructive and progressive approach to invite the energy, which is essential for your growth.
Now, if you are planning to get a new number for your mobile, then it’s prudent to select a mobile number that is friendly to your Birth number, Destiny number, or your Lucky number. Why? This needs an explanation;
Why do we need a Lucky Mobile Number for us?
Let’s understand one thing, when do we feel the safest.
The answer is, when we are with our family or friends, in a way, with our well-wishers.
And you will agree with me when I say that we are our biggest well-wishers.
According to this wisdom, we always need to focus on attracting vibrations that complement our number (Birth number, Destiny number or Lucky number) energy.
Out of these three numbers (Birth, Destiny & Lucky), it’s easier to calculate Birth Number & Destiny number; however, Lucky number is a unique concept that has not been explored extensively.
We did ample research on that and realized that the Lucky number could be instrumental in attracting the complimentary energy in our life.
We create a report, in which we provide a person with their Lucky, Favorable & Unfavorable numbers, more on this later.
Using numerology, you will know the importance of Birth, Destiny & Lucky, and their influence on your life. After getting more in-depth insights, you will be able to choose your right and lucky mobile number.
Which Number would be Lucky for me?
Traditional numerology is, we should buy a mobile number, which adds to our Birth Number or Destiny Number. However, we at Name Vibrations go to the next level and suggest people purchase a mobile number, which is either Lucky or Favorable for them. And in case we get our Birth Number or Destiny Number as our Lucky or Favorable number, then nothing beats it.
First, we need to know what is a Birth number, Destiny number, and Lucky Number.
Just like our Name, numbers also play a significant role in our life. The combination of digits that matches with significant numbers (destiny and ruling number) of our life, and proves to be fortunate for us.
Let’s not beat around the bush; here is the idea. We all have three critical numbers in our lives;
- Birth number: It is the value of our birth date reduced to a single digit. E.g. if the birthday falls on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month, then the birth number would be 3 (12 becomes 1+2=3, 21 becomes 2+1 = 3, 30 becomes 3+0=3), similarly, for the people with their birthday on 9th, 18th or 27th of any month Birth number would be 9 (1+8 = 9, 2+7 = 9)
- Destiny Number: It is a total of the complete DOB reduced to a single figure. E.g. 10th December 1967, when reduced to single-digit 10 + 12 + 1967= 1 (1+0) + 3 (1+2) + 23 (1+9+6+7) = 1+3+5 = 9
- Lucky Number: Lucky number calculation goes one step further and requires Time of Birth and Place of Birth in addition to the Date of Birth. This system is developed after years of research and testing, and this proves to be the most effective system so far. We have studied the names and charts of hundreds of twins and seen amazing revelations.
Use our Lucky mobile phone calculator tool to find out if your mobile number is lucky for you or not.
Please enter your date of birth and prospective Mobile number in our Lucky Mobile Number Calculator astrological tool to match your mobile number with your Birth Number or Destiny Number.
How Does The Tool Work?
- Calculates your birth number and destiny number.
- Adds the numerical value of the mobile number.
- Finally, bring that total to a single digit.
- Evaluate its relationship with Birth Number and Destiny Number.
NOTE: That single-digit number should be friendly to your birth (psychic) number and destiny (life path) number for the best results.
Just enter your Date of Birth and mobile number and click on calculate. The tool will tell if your number is Friendly, Neutral, or Inimical to your Birth & Destiny number. To find out the starting number, favourable mobile number total, which digits to repeat enter your Date of Birth in our new tool.
Mobile Number Numerology Calculator
How To Read The Results?
There can be four instances in matching the mobile number to birth number or destiny number:
- Mobile number is friendly to the birth number and destiny number. (amazing Compatibility)
- Mobile number is not friendly to the birth number and destiny number. (worst compatibility)
- Mobile number is friendly to birth number and neutral to destiny number or neutral to birth number and friendly to destiny number. (good compatibility)
- Mobile number is friendly to birth number and inimical to destiny number or inimical to birth number and friendly to destiny number. (low compatibility)
If you already own a mobile number that is neutral to your DOB (birth number & destiny number) then it is still acceptable.
However, if the mobile number is not friendly to your DOB, then you must change the mobile number.
If you have been planning to buy a car or a premium bike for a long time but are facing one or the other problem, then you must pay attention to the things which are causing wealth issues and not letting you get the uninterrupted flow of money (to repay the loans), ensure that your bedroom is not placed in an unfavourable direction and check your kitchen to control your expenses.
You can use our various numerology calculators to find the lucky number for your car, to check if your business partner is lucky for you or to find a suitable business name, baby name or to check the compatibility between you & your love.

How To Choose The Number
If you are in dilemma, whether to choose the mobile number based on your Birth Number or your Destiny Number then you can go for both. How?
Let’s say your Birth Number is 3 & Destiny Number is 9 then you can go for a number that totals 3 & contain multiple 9s or a number that totals 9 and contains multiple 3s.
This is just an example: 9033639363 (total 9 with multiple 3s), you can also pick a number according to your Birth Details.
Note: Do this only when your Birth Number & Destiny Number share a friendly relationship.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How to calculate my Lucky Mobile Number Manually?
Birth Number 1 or Destiny Number 1
Here is a mobile number 7042523259. So according to the above steps.
- Add all the digits together (7+0+4+2+5+2+3+2+5+9) = 39
- (3+9) = 12 = 3
Check our Mutual Relationship of Numbers table and you will see mobile total number 3 shares a friendly relation with birth or destiny number total.
Based on numerology you can choose a mobile number that is friendly to your Birth or Destiny number or both.
In case it is not, even if you have to pay some fees or wait for some time, get a number that is friendly (in harmony) to your birth number and/or destiny number. Usually destiny number gets activated after the age of 35, so if you are below the age of 35 you may go for a mobile number which matches your birth number.
2. Which date is lucky for me to buy Lucky Mobile Number?
Your lucky date is dependent on your Birth Number and Destiny Number.
1. First, if your Birth Number & Lifepath/Destiny Number are friendly to each other then you can pick any date that is friendly to both. For example, if your Birth Number is 5 and your Destiny Number is 6, then you can pick any date that totals to either 5 (5th, 14th, 23rd) or 6 (6th, 15th, 24th) of any month.
2. Second, if your Birth Number & Lifepath/Destiny Number are not friendly to each other then pick the number that you feel is more favourable to you. For example, if your Birth Number is 1 and Destiny Number is 4, then go for the number that suits you the more. As 1 & 4 are not friendly to each other.
Another way to pick your number is based on your profession. You can read about this in the later section of this article.
3. If your Birth Number & Lifepath/ Destiny Number are neutral to each other. In this situation, you can pick either number. For example, if your Birth Number is 7 and Destiny Number is 3, then you can go for either, however, picking a number that is more beneficial would prove useful in the longer run.
Few people consider 7 to be a very lucky number and others feel that 3 is luckier as it belongs to Jupiter, and Jupiter is the most beneficial planet out of all the nine planets.
Note: Our lucky number gets activated after the age of 35, so if you are approaching 35 or have already crossed 35 then you need to keep your destiny number in your mind when you pick a Mobile Number.
3. Which day is good to buy a Lucky Mobile Number?
Always pick the day that corresponds to your favourable number. It can be your Birth Number or Destiny Number or both. Here is a list of the days according to the number.
1. Sunday is good for number 1 people.
2. Monday is good for numbers 2, 7, and 3 people.
3. Tuesday is good for number 9 & number 7 people.
4. Wednesday is good for number 1 and number 5 people.
5. Thursday is good for numbers 1, 2, 3, and 9 people.
6. Friday is good for numbers 4, 6, and 8 people.
7. Saturday is good for number 8 people.
4. Which Mobile Number is good for which profession?
A lot of people ask which number would help them in improving their professional life.
Usually, we get into the profession that corresponds to our number, e.g, 6 number people get into industry related to glamour viz. Film Industry, Modelling, TV Serials, Fashion Designing, Beauty Industry, Interior Designing, Graphic Designing, and Media Industry, etc. So, picking a mobile number that suits our profession definitely gives us an added advantage.
Here, is the list of numbers that are considered lucky and unlucky for different professions.
Number 1: This is the number of initiators. They are capable of a successful independent career and are excellent leaders. They excel as a CEO, Army Officer or commander, Political Leader, etc. They can pick numbers 1, 2, 3, and 9, and they should avoid 4, 6, and 8 as their mobile numbers.
Number 2: People who are number 2 are creative, charming, and soft-spoken. They are good at creative fields, such as designers, artists, and writers. In addition, they are smart and soft-spoken, making them good mediators, counselors, public relations officers, or salespeople. Also, No. 2 people are highly knowledgeable, and they tend to make excellent consultants, teachers, and diplomats. They can opt for mobile numbers 1, 2, and 3. The numbers that are unfavourable for them are 4 and 5.
Number 3: Number 3 people are helpful, fun-loving, friendly, skilled at expressing themselves, and are great entertainers. Acting, writing, singing, stand-up comedy, etc., are all excellent options. Additionally, they are talented leaders, making them ideal for careers in politics, as team leaders, as army officers, as commanders, etc. As well as lawyers, public speakers, public relations professionals, trainers, motivators, and doctors, they can also be successful as educators and trainers. 1, 2, 3, and 9 are excellent options for them as a mobile number total, and they need to refrain from using 5 and 6 as mobile numbers.
Number 4: People who are multi-talented but not money-minded are number 4. Hard work is the only way for them to gain wealth. As critical thinkers, they make great journalists, lawyers, consultants, engineers, technologists, etc. If they don’t get support from number 4, they should avoid gambling, the stock market, and other speculative professions. 4, 5, 6, and 8 numbers are excellent choices for them to use as their mobile numbers, and they should avoid 1, 2, and 9 at any cost.
Number 5: Number 5 people are intelligent workers and are multi-talented, making them capable of excelling in various fields. For example, they can work as actors, musicians, journalists, lawyers, film producers, sales & marketers, public speakers, performing artists, detective agents, etc. Also, they are natural gamblers and risk-takers and can make quick money in high-risk professions, but there are also risks involved. 1, 4, 5, and 6 are the best suited for them as mobile number totals, and they must avoid number 2 at any cost as it is inimical to number 5.
Number 6: Number 6 people are loving and caring towards their family, friends, and society at large, and it makes them universal friends. Families, friends, and family members find them to be excellent, caring, creative, cool, harmonious, humanitarian, and angelic. Creative, calm, and empathetic individuals should consider careers such as architects, fashion designers, interior designers, healers, doctors, marketing and public relations professionals, and consultants. As well as restaurants, food processing, agriculture, and food products, they also do well in food-related businesses. Their best mobile number choices would be 4, 5, 6, and 8. However, out of these numbers, 6 tops the list, and numbers 1 and 2 should not be considered for a mobile number.
Number 7: The number 7 people are introverts, spiritual, serious, and hardworking. These people are great observers, thinkers, and analyzers and can keep secrets well. Therefore, they can become spies, researchers, innovators, writers, teachers, trainers, and anyone involved with occult sciences, religion, and spirituality. Additionally, they have good voices, making them ideal candidates to become singers, voice artists, RJs, etc. 5, 6, 7, and 8 are excellent choices for mobile numbers; 3 is a neutral number for them, so they can also go for mobile number total 3. They should avoid 1, 2, and 9 for mobile numbers.
Number 8: Money, wealth, power, administration, and management are represented by this number. Number 8 people are suited for careers in finance, administrative services, banking and investment, non-governmental organizations, real estate, and construction. Furthermore, they can be influential politicians and leaders in organizations. The numbers 4, 5, 6, and 8 would make an excellent option for them as mobile number total. 1, 2, and 9 are the numbers they should not pick for their mobile number.
Number 9: Number 9 people are exemplary humanitarians and excellent warriors. Therefore, a career in humanitarian service or a position in the armed forces, navy, air force, or police is the most suitable option for number 9 people. Furthermore, they can excel in sports that require high energy and stamina. They can also succeed in real estate and construction, mining, and creating big companies and industries. Being favourable towards 9 the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 9 are the most suitable choices for mobile numbers; however, they need to stay away from numbers 4 and 5.
In this way, Numerology can help you choose your lucky number. According to the information provided above, the digits in your mobile number may prove beneficial and progressive for you.
About The Consultant
Dinesh Atrish is a celebrity international Name Vibrations Specialist / Astrologer / Vastu consultant / Feng Shui practitioner.
Trains Stock Market Traders on Financial Astrology & Technical Analysis.
Call us at +91 9990513999 or email at
Baby Names | Business Name Numerology | Name Vibrations Reports | Stock Market Numerology
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I am a teacher, counselor and Hypnotherapist, kindly suggest me if mobile with Total 6 being helpful to me
Hi Gurbachan,
To get a new number based on your DOB. Kindly try our new free tool.
Just enter your Date of Birth
And it will give you:
1. Preferred Mobile Number Total
2. Starting Digit
3. Digits to Include
4. Digits to Repeat
5. Digits to Exclude
My dob is 29-07-1997 And Birth no 2 & destiny no 8
Which number best for me plz help me sir
Hi Nishant,
Please enter your Date of Birth in our free online tool and you will get to know:
1. Preferred Mobile Number Total
2. You should start mobile number with which digit.
3. Which all digits you should include in the mobile number.
4. Which digits you can repeat in the mobile number.
5. Which digits to exclude from your mobile number.
Please guide me
Pranav soni
1+2= 3
1+2+0+8+1+9+9+4= 7
Which number is better?
9427771153 – 46
9429955781 – 14
9429555191 – 50
Ya koi or number dekhu new number lene vala hun jiska total 1 ya 3 ya 5 ya 7 konsa lena chaiyae?
Konsa mobile number acha rahega total k lie or konsa number repeat ho vo acha rahega mobile number me?
Me architecture building related design ka kam kar raha hu or UPSC civil services ki exam ki padhai kar raha hun.
Hi Pranav,
Kindly use our latest free tool to check which number would be the best for you.
You can enter your Date of Birth in our free online tool and you will get to know:
1. Preferred Mobile Number Total
2. You should start mobile number with which digit.
3. Which all digits you should include in the mobile number.
4. Which digits you can repeat in the mobile number.
5. Which digits to exclude from your mobile number.
Please guide me
Pranav soni
Which number is better?
9427771153 – 46
9429955781 – 14
9429555191 – 50
Shall i choose other number that follow my date of birth or total of DOB that is 7
Total of 1 or 3 or 5 or 7 which total is better for me?
which is better for me and which number shall repeat in mobile number is good for me?
I am working as architect and preparing for upsc exams.
You should go for mobile number total 3.
Repetition of which number can be avoided in the number?
Which is not favourable for you.
Sir mera dob is 16/02/1983, Mulank 7, bhagyank 3, sir mujhe 3 number lena chahiye, me apka pura article para, sir please up mujhe e guide kar dejea konsa number better hoga mera financial conditions bilkul thik nehi hai,
Sir please help kar dejea.
Try this 9073033293=39=3
sir my dob is 1.3.1986 and mobile no is 9826447878 is it good for me or should i change?
You should go for a mobile number that totals to 1.
My dob is 9/5/1977 and mobile number is 9825215822. Is it good for me or should I change it?
Hi Jitesh,
You can go for a mobile number total 3 or 1 and avoid repetition of 4, 6, 7 and 8 in it.
3 if you are into banking sector or teaching.
1 if you are in Govt Job, a team leader, or a manager.
Ram Ram sir
Name: Vimlesh Pratap
DOB: 16/06/1994, Palce: Buxar, Bihar
JOB: Intrested in trading in stock market, Avoiding military services
Please advise suitable mobile number and repetition of same number.
And what to be avoided.
Dhanyawad Sir.
Hi Vimlesh,
You must go for a professional advice as investing in stocks is not dependent only on your mobile number there are multiple factors involved in that.
I my Date of Birth 4 Dec 1985, Which Mobile no is suitable for me?
Last few years I am using 94330 13129 and newly used 94330 56216 which is good for me?
You can go for a mobile number total 3 if you are in banking sector.
My DOB is 30/03/1967
My Mobile Number is 9811727965
Sir, suggest the number most favorable to me.
Hi Raj Kumar,
Total 3 would be best for you.
Hello sir
Which mobile number is suitable for me ?
How to choose a mobile number ?
Hi Savita,
You can find a mobile number that matches with your DOB or profession using our free calculator.
Please suggest me for total of number
You can go for a mobile number total 1.
Hello Sir,
My DOB 29-2-1980. Trying stock trading. Current mobile no adds to 2. Kindly suggest.
Hi Vishal,
You should try trading after getting your name tuned to your Wealth number.
Hello Sir,
DOB 29-2-1980
Trying to build career in stock trading.
Kindly suggest lucky mobile number. Current number adds to 2.
Hi Vishal,
As your destiny number is 4, you would automatically get attracted to Stock Market Trading. However, we suggest you get your Name tuned to your Wealth number and find stocks that suits you as per your DOB, before starting to trade.
You can contact our team via our WhatsApp number +91 9990513999.
19/5/1985 IS DOB
Hi Vijay,
What is your profession?
Hello Sir,
I am an accountant. My DOB is 19th October 1994.
Please suggest best mobile number.
Hi Rahul,
You can stick to number 1.
Hello Sir,
My dob is 07/04/2005 and my mobile number is 7058466799 so is it ok?
How long have you been using this mobile number and how has been your experience so far?
Sir I am preparing for NEET examination MBBS Doctor suggest me a good mobile number . DOB 04/04/2003
Hi Aryan,
Kindly get in touch with our team via our WhatsApp number +91 9990513999.
I have a new mobile number which is 9332513366, Is it good for me? My DOB 07/12/1969 and My name is Prabir Pradhan, Please advice me
Hi Sir
Name is : Vikas Rattan
DOB: 03-Sep-1976
Destiny No : 8
Birth No: 3
Please suggest Mobile Number
Go for mobile number total 3.
My birth number is 1 and destiny number is 6, mobile number sums up to a total of number 4 … do i need to change my number
Hi Simran,
Number 1 and 4 are not friends, though 6 and 4 can go tother as per numerology. Now you should pick the mobile number total according to your profession.
Sir my birth date is 24/01/2003, please give lucky mobile number for me, for improvement in health, wealth and business.
Hi Anurag,
Please let us know what is your profession.
Dinesh Ji.. Radhe radhe..
My Name – Amit Negi
DOB :16-03-1982
Mobile No. – 9975753257
have multiple 7 in my no. read somewhere its not good.
Hi Amit,
No number is good or bad. Every number is subjective to our Date Of Birth.
Dear sir
my mulank and bhagyank both are 5. my mobile number total comes to 2. so i want to change it. i want to opt for 555 or 666 as last digits. which one suits me and what should i keep the total?? pl suggest
You should go for total and Don’t go for 666. Go for 555.
what should i keep the total no
Hi Govind,
Please use our free tool to find out if your mobile number is matching your Birth Number or Destiny Number.
Sir my name is Prabir Pradhan, DOB 07/12/1969, mulank is 7 and bhagyank is 8, my mobile no is 9933610872, Is it luckey number for me, In my number 61 and 72 is exist, is it good for me and my family?
Hi Prabir,
First thing, no number is good or bad per se. Everything is relative or subjective to your DOB. There is no panacea in Numerology, every thing is customized as per the user’s birth details.
You read this completely and you will get to know which number you should go for. Do read this section Which Mobile Number is good for which profession?
Sir my birth date is 17/09/1991, please give lucky mobile number for me, for improvement in health, wealth and business.
Hi Amit,
Go for mobile number total 1.
Sir my name is Prabir Pradhan, DOB 07/12/1969, mulank is 7 and bhagyank is 8, my mobile no is 9933610872, Is it luckey number for me, In my number 61 and 72 is exist, is it good for me and my family?
Hi Prabir,
No number becomes universally lucky (or the other way round) with the presence of few digits in it. Every number is subjective to the mobile number owner’s DOB.
Hi Kiran,
Yes as it is friendly to your birth number and destiny number both.
Hi i m shukla… dob 15july 1990 which one luck mobile number for me plzz help me
Hi Shukla,
You can try either total 5 or 6. For more information you can take help of our free tool.
Hello Sir,
Good afternoon
My Dob- 1/4/1993
Time- 7.30 Pm
which mobile combination is good and it improves health, wealth, respect.
Hi Bikash,
Try mobile number total 1, it may help you lead from the front.
Dob 25august 1977
92269 42326
Mobile number is correct
Or I should change it?
Hi Bhupendra,
You can try free our online calculator to check if this number matches with your birth number and destiny number or not.
DOB 19-08-83
Mobile Number – 9811899151 & 9873899151
Hi Saurabh,
I think mobile number total 1 with multiple 1s in it would be good for you.
And dob 12/11/1994
Which is my lucky mobile number
Hi Arzoo,
You can go for mobile number total 1.
Shivshankar Baswaraj Balagide
Dob 30/07/1980
08:45 am
Place Latur
Sar mera konsa mobile no lucky hee jo new lu plz pnatye
You can go for mobile number total 1.
My DOB is 5th Jan 1985
Driver no is 5
Conductor is 2
Which mobile num is Lucky for me ?
Hi Ashis Kumar Mohanty,
What is your profession?
My name is meenakshi Sharma
My DOB 28/01/1978. Which number is lucky for my mobile number
Hi Meenakshi,
Go for mobile total 1.
Dear Sir.
My Name is
Prakash Janardan Dhokane
Time :- 6AM
Place – Ahmednagar – Maharashtra
Mobile no –
Which the Lucy mobile number for me
Hi Prakash,
Your birth number and destiny number both are 9. You can go for a mobile number that totals to 9.
29/11/985 sir which mobile number suits for me
Hi Kamakshi,
We think that you wanted to write 29/11/1985. You can go for mobile number total 9.
Name Hemant khatri
Dob 22-12-1983
Birth place kota Rajasthan
Mob. No. 9460569961
This is my details pls share with me how i choose my mobile no..??
Hi Hemant,
Your birth number is 4 and destiny number is 1, which are not friends. We suggest you go for a professional advice and get a number based on Astrology.
Sir my DOB is 8 september 1985
Time 7.25 pm
Place – Jamshedpur
Mere mobile number ka total kya hona chahiye ?
Hi Ravi,
Try number 6 if you are in media or films or glamour related profession.
No Sir I’m not in glamour related profession. I only want to improve my communication.
Hello Dinesh,
My birth number is 07 and destiny number is 2 (07/10/1983).
Which mobile best suits me, and which repetitious numbers should I avoid?
Please guide.
Hi Rohit,
Go for mobile number total 6. And to know which digits to avoid please read the whole article .
Dear Sir,
My Date of Birth is 16.10.1976
I am using Mobile No. +91 7874167151 from last 19 years.
I am a salaried person
Let me know if this mobile number is favorable or I need to change the Number.
Hi Kiran,
Your destiny number 4 got activated when you turned 35. If you see there is a positive change in your life after you turned 35 then you can keep using this number else go for a professional advice as per astrology.
hi i m sushma sawant pawar
my dob-5/1/1981
my mobile no-7972348486
Hi Sushmaa,
You can go for mobile number total 5.
Please tell me lucky number
Hi Gulshan,
You can know more about your lucky number by using our free online tool.
Enter your DOB and your mobile number and then click on submit. You will get your Birth Number, Destiny Number and your mobile number total.
You can scroll down to mutual relationship of numbers table to check the compatibility of Your Birth/Destiny number with your mobile number.
In case of any doubt you can reach our team at +91 9990513999.
Hi Sir,
My Birth Number: 1 and Destiny Number: 3 , I am using 9625746313. Please let me know is this number is suitable for me
Hi Atul,
If you are into Govt sector then you can go for number 1, however, you are into banking or education sector then you can go for total 3.
My DOB is 24/02/1978
My mobile number is 9810272468
They are not matching – what should I do?
Hi Aseem,
Very rarely people get birth number and destiny number same. You should go for a mobile number total 6.
Hello sir my mobile number ends in 6 single digit. My driver is 3 and conductor is 1
Normally, people pick number which matches either their birth number or their destiny number.
Hi Raamaswamy,
You need check numbers with your Date of Birth. You easily check it using our free Lucky Number for Mobile Number Calculator.
Suggest new Mobile no combination for DOB-17JUNE1984
Hi Yogesh,
What is your profession?
Sir, My name is Ankit which sum,DOB -3/1/1993 Birth number is 3, Destiny number 8,mobile number total is 3.
I m current payroll executive in private company snice 10 years struggling alot at Profesional & financial end.
Please guide for lucky mobile number
Go for mobile number total 3.
Sir, My name is Bijender which sum,DOB -05/04/1995 Birth number is 5, Destiny number 6,mobile number total is 6.
Hi Bijender,
Your mobile number should give you good results as it is friendly to your birth number too.
Hello Sir
my dob is 28/07/1991
destiny number is 1
dob no is 1
which will be suitable number
Hi Gaurav,
Since your Birth number and Destiny number both total to 1, you can go for a mobile number that totals to 1. Avoid having 8 in it.
Date of birth 27 2 1997
Mobile number 8949297512
Please give information
Go for mobile number total 1.
Dear Sir,
My Date of Birth is 27.07.1978
I am using Mobile No. 9821672012 from last 19 years.
I am a salaried person as well as I am a Wellness Coach.
Let me know if this mobile number is favorable or I need to change the Number.
Hi Avinash,
If you think that your life and career have been growing for the past 19 years and you have achieved whatever your goals were then you should continue with this number, however, if you think that you are struggling then think of changing the number.
Dinesh Atrish
Hello Sir
my numbers are 8140841851. TOTAL 40 =4
9265446449 Total 53 =8
MY BIRTHDAY 14/12/1996
mulank 5
Bhagyank 6
I am A Video Editor
are these numbers suits me if not please suggest me
Hi Niraj,
We think that it is better to have a mobile number which matching your career and numerology both. Your birth number 5 and destiny number 6 are good friends. You should go for a mobile number total 6 as it is ruled by Venus which governs the line of Video Editing and matches with your destiny number also.
If you were in accounting line then we might have suggested you the number 5 as it is ruled by Mercury.
Dinesh Atrish
Hello sir
My name is Anup Kumar Thakur
My date of birth is – 23/11/1994
Which number combination suitable for me pls suggest me.
Hi Anup,
Let us know what is your profession.
Hello Sir
my numbers are 8605132162
MY BIRTHDAY 12/06/1989
mulank 3
Bhagyank 9
I am working in PSU
are these numbers suits me if not please suggest me
Go for mobile number total 3.
I’m very shy and introverted. I’m nervous and cannot communicate my ideas properly.
My birth number is 3
Destiny is 2
What number I should I use sir.
I work in IT.
Hi Naresh,
You should go for a mobile number total 1. It will give you leading power.
Hello sir
My name is Sunil Kumar, DOB 08/10/1986, which mobile number best for professional field.
Pls advise
Hi Sunil,
Looking at your birth number 8 and destiny number 6, we suggest you use total 6.
My DoB- 05/11/1985
Name Total comes – 23
I’m using a mobile no. with total sum 42.
Pl. suggest whether required to change this no. or keep this no.
Thanks in Advance
Hi Kirti,
What is your profession?
Hi sir my driver no is 1 and conductor no is 8 and my mobile no is 8146444452 total is 6 [health issues]
Go for mobile number total 1. This is as per numerology. If you want a better results please contact our team at +91 99905 13999.
Helo sir,
my Driver no. Is 9(18) & Conductor is 1
& Have 2 mobile numbers, both have 6 in total. Is it favourable for me. Or I should choose something else.
Thank you in advance.. one number has three 8 in it
Hi Savera,
We think you should go for mobile number total 1 if you are working in a Govt company, or deal with Govt companies or want a leading role in your life.
However, if you are into property related business, or running a restaurant, a saloon, or a boutique then number 9 is good for you.
Please suggest to me best and luckey Mobile number digits and for financial Growth and stability please suggest to me best rudraksha or jems stones
Hi Nitendra,
To get a new number based on your DOB. Just enter your Date of Birth and click on Calculate.
Sir, My Birth number is 3, Destiny number 8 & Name number 5.
My mobile number total is 3.
My profession is Nursing Professor (Health Care Segment).
Is the mobile number suitable for me?
Hi Niru, your mobile number total 3 is fine.
Hello Sir, My Name is Nirusha & my DOB is 12/11/1992. Birth Number 3 & Destiny number 8. My mobile number is 8142129156 & the total was 3. Is this mobile number suitable for me or need to change the number? My profession was Nursing Professor (Health Care Segment). If the number is not suitable please suggest me one number. thank you sir
Hi Nirusha,
Your mobile number total is fine, however, you should try having a mobile number which has more of 3s in it for e.g., 9931121139 (this is just an example number try finding something like that).
Sir my birth number is 2 and my destiny number is also 2 which mobile number will suit me
Go for mobile number 2 with no repetition of 5 in it.
Dob Number # 3
Destiny Number # 5
Name Number # 7
Profession # Motgage ,Finance
Good number will be # 1,2,9 ,4,6
i am using Mobile number tota is 3 – shoud i change ..?
which will be better
Total 3 (Jupiter) is good for Finance Business. If you business is not doing well then you can talk to an expert for paid consultation.
Sir my dob is 07/04/1988 my birth number is 7 and destiny 1. I have two mobile numbers 8390636707 total is 4 and 9922777443 total is 9 so which number I can keep
Hi Prem,
You should ideally go for a mobile number total 3, as 3 is very good friend of your destiny number 1 and your birth number 7 takes number 3 as it’s teacher.
Also, if you are into Property related business, or running a restaurant etc., then you can keep total 9.
My DOB 19/07/1986
My Mobile no. 7877088819
No success in any field
Hi Neeraj, you can try talking to our team via our whatsapp number +91 7042523259.
Hello Sir ,
My Birth number is = 3 and Destiny number is 6
my two mobile numbers total is 2 and 5 respectively! looks like they are not favourable for me ?
For my personal and career growth based on birth and destiny numbers should I choose mobile number which has total 3 and containing multiple’s of 6 OR total 6 and multiple of 3’s as ? please advice
Hi Pankaj,
3 and 6 are not friends, so you need to opt according to your profession and utility.
Sir my name is akash Shukla my dob is 13/8/1976 my phone no is 9897558943 plz advice
Hi Akash,
Usually people with 4 & 8 in their DOBs tend to have lot of 4s and 8s around them. However, the final choice of your number should depend on your career or profession. Let us now you are in which field.
If you are into media field then go for total 6.
If you are into stock market trading go for mobile number 5.
If you are into sales then also you can go for mobile number 5.
If you are into banking sector go for total 3.
Dear Sir,
Basis the instructions provided above, my birth number is 3 and destiny number 4. I work in a private company. Kindly let me know which of these mobile numbers is suitable for me.
We feel that you should go for a mobile number that totals to 3.
Sir, My date of birth is 17/04/1988
From the calculator I got the following:
Birth No.: 8
Destiny or Life Path No.: 2
I own two numbers whose total come to 1 and 6
Should I change any one or both the numbers?
Hi Tejaswi,
Why do you want to change your mobile number?
My son date of birth is 16/11/2000 kindly let me know which number is right n gave success in his life.
Give him total 3
Which his best mobile number already I have 9538326203..
Give me good number as per my name date of birth…
Select your mobile number as per your DOB or profession using our free calculator.
Hey, my DOB 07/02/1998 = 36 (3+6=9) so birth number 7, Destiny number 9. I am above to buy this number 7696965650 = 59 (5+9=14) (1+4=5) is this okay if you reply will be more helpful to us.
Hi Kavya M,
Avoid a number that ends with a zero.
Hello Sir,
My psychic number 6 and destiny is 7.current number total is 11.
What is best for me.i work as a leader in insurance.
Hi Nitika,
If you will go through the article then you will find out that 2 is neither a friend of 6 nor of 2. You need to get a number that is friendly with your Psychic and Destiny number.
Hi sir,
My birth number is 1 and destiny number is 4.
Please let me know which number is suitable for me from the below.
Hi Satish,
You should go for a mobile number total 1 or 3.
My DOB IS 04/12/1979
Please suggest me mobile number.i am in business.
Hi Rajan,
If you are in a business that is ruled by Venus then you can go for mobile number total 6 else pick total 4.
Hello Sir,
My psychic number is 6 and destiny is current phone number totals to 38=11 and house number is 57.
My understanding is 2 isnt right for me.Am I understanding correctly.Please advice whats best
As per numerology 2 and 6 belong to different groups and they are not very good friends.
lucky phone number
Hi Min That Tun,
Kindly go through the entire article and use the lucky mobile number calculator accordingly. In case you have any doubt you can let us know.
Hi Dinesh
Dob 8.5.1969
Mobile number 9867015239
Will this suit me or some numbers are not good ? Which number total is best ? Thanks God bless
Hi Seshan,
Free Mobile Number Numerology
Existing Number: To check your existing number if it is good or not visit the below link and enter your Date of Birth & Mobile Number.
It will tell you if your mobile number is friendly with your Birth number & Destiny number or not.
New Number : If you are looking for new number then simply put your Date of Birth in the free tool
And it will give you:
1. Preferred Mobile Number Total
2. Starting Digit
3. Digits to Include
4. Digits to Repeat
5. Digits to Exclude
Sir, my DOB is 15.11.1959. I want to replace my present mobile number 8707885168 with 6393512337. would it be a better choice?
Hi Ajay,
Your birth number is 6 and destiny number is 5. Both 5 & 6 are friendly to each other. However, the new number you want to use i.e., 6393512337 has multiple 3s (4 in total) and number 3 is not a friend of number 6. It would be better if you can have more 6s in the number instead of 3.
My birth no is 3 , destiny no 9
I am 40 yrs
So i shuld use mobile no total
Multiple of 1,2,3 correct..
You should use a mobile number total 3 with multiple 3s in that.
Good Afternoon Sir
My name is Ankur. My date of birth is 05-07-1990
Please suggest a mobile number that would help me to grow my Marketing company and my Clothing company.
You can take the mobile number based on your birth number.
Dear Sir,
Pranam , my actual date of birth is 06/12/1971 . However my official DOB is different i.e. 06/12/1973.
Kindly advise, which mobile number is suitable for me, and also advice that it will based on the original dob or the one used officially.
Appreciate your kind help!
Hi Vikrant,
Please use your real DOB to get the mobile number.
Hi sir,
My birth number is 1 and destiny number is 4.
Please let me know which number is suitable for me from the below.
Hi Satish,
You can try keeping a number which matches your DOB. It should be friendly to either your Birth number or Destiny number or both.
Sir my dob
6/4 combination
1,5,6 which is better to me
Plzz suggest
Total 6 is good for you as per numerology, however, if you want to use this number for your personal and professional growth you must take help of astrology to find a good number for yourself.
Dear Sir ,
My Birth number is = 1 and
Destiny number is 8
My Current mobiles number Total is 3 and another mobile number Total is 5. I’m work in Coal Mining Company.What is best for me.
Kindly advise, which mobile number is suitable for me, please suggest a mobile number which would help me grow personally and professionally.and also
Appreciate your kind help sir
Hi Sivaraj,
Your birth number and destiny number are not friendly to each other, we suggest you take help of astrology instead of Numerology.
namestha sir,
my name is Alka Chawla. My date of birth is 30-06-1991
please suggest a mobile number number today which would help me grow personally and professionally.
Hi Alka,
You can try number 3.
Sir my date of birth is 30 march 1998 which mobile number i used?
Hi Rohit,
You should take help of astrology in finding a mobile number for you as your birth number 3 and destiny number 6 are not friendly to each other.
My Dob is 10/11/1989
Birth number:-1
Destiny no. 3
What should be the total of my mobile no. Which will help me out.
Hi Mandakini,
If you are a working professional and want to be in a leadership role (Team Leader or Manager) then go for mobile number total 1. And, if you are in banking sector or teaching sector or Financial sector then go for mobile total 3. Though, I think 1 would be a better choice as it matches with your Rashi (if your name is as per Rashi/Moon Sign) also.
Hello sir my date of birth is 28/05/1997 ..
My contact number is 9468280244
My name is vikash goyal
Please suggest me best mobile number
Hi Vikash,
Kindly go through our article; you will get all the information you need to find a number for yourself per numerology. In case you want us to provide you a number then kindly get in touch with us via our WhatsApp number +91 7042523259.
Dear Sir,
My birth number is 2.
My destiny number is 3.
Pls help me to fine suitable numbers for making me rich and I don’t wanna concern about financial instability. Thanks, Sir!
Hi Nick,
Please get in touch with us via WhatsApp at +91 7042523259.
Dear Sir,
My birth number is 4
My destiny number is 2
DOB 22/10/1986
Pls help me to fine suitable numbers for making me. Thanks, Sir!
Hi Ajeet,
You can pick your mobile number as per your profession.
Hello sir
Birth no..-5
Destiny no..-6
Mobile no.. 7505747740
total -1
34 years old i am
Is this suits my artificial online jewellery buisness
Instead of total 1, go for something which represents Venus to match your Jewellery business.
My birth number is 5 and my destiny number is 6. Which total mobile number should I choose to attract love and relationship into my life? Thank you Sir.
Number 6 is for love and relationships.
Hello sir
My dob is 10/01/1978
My mobile no is : 8197412038
My name is shashidhar R
Hi Shashidhar,
Your birth number is 1 and destiny number is 9. Check using our online tool if your mobile number total is friendly to your birth number and/or destiny number.
Dear Sir ,
My Birth
Birth number is = 4
Destiny number is= 7
My Current mobiles
number Total is 5
Number 5 is okay.
Dear Sir,
My birth number is 3
Destiny number is 2
I have a mobile number totally 8.
I have recently purchased a mobile number with 4 * 9, 3*6, 1*1, 2*1, 7*1 which totals to 1.
I have read in one of the numerology posts that people born on 3 should not use mobile number containing 6s. I want to know from you if that is correct? Do individual digits matters in mobile numerology?
Can I continue to use my new mobile number or should I totally avoid 6s in mobile number.
Thank you.
Hi Shilpa,
Number 1 (planet Sun) is a friend of Jupiter (number 3) and Moon (number 2). The first thing we need to ensure is that our mobile number total should be friendly to our Date of Birth (i.e., birth number, destiny number).
Then we can think of having digits that are favourable to us. However, most of people try to get mobile numbers that contain all the digits that are favourable to their DOB. But sometimes, we are unable to get a number that matches all the criteria.
Sir If i want to go as an Astrology Profession, and my Dob is 16 (7) + 02 + 1983 = 30 (3), My mulank is 7 and bhagyank 3. Sir 7 and 3 is neutral each other. So sir which number should i follow for personal as well as professional purposes.
Or Sir number should be choose as per astrology or numerology wise? which is better option for this? My numbers are: (1) 907 369 1555 = 50 = 5 & (2) 98300 72122 = 34 = 7 and (3) 9836 532 147=48=12=3.
Go for a mobile number total of 3 and it should have multiple 3s.
Hi, my am born on 10th Dec and my destiny no is 5 and my full name total is 4
What kind of phone will be suitable for my herbs and medicine business.
Hi J Kaur,
You can analyze which number suits you more and go with that.
Can you suggest mobile number total
my dob is 30-06-1991. I want to grow professionally & personally.
You can go for a mobile number total 3.
Sir apne mujhe 3 follow kare ne ko bola or 6 ka repetition ko mana kea to sir
9051 369 555=48=12=3 or
9836 532 147=48=12=3 or
Sir please ek number choose kar dejea.
Dear sir, My name number total is 1, my birth number totals to 5 and destiny number totals to 4 and my mobile number comes to total of 4. Continuos struggle/loss i am undergoing. Should I change my mobile number, if so to what number please. Regards BGS.
Hi BG Sreedhhar,
Do a little bit of research & find a number that suits your profession. If you want to consult us then you can get in touch with us via our number +91 7042523259 (WhatsApp/Call).
Namaskaar sir ji
My birth number is 19 (1+9=10/) 1
Destiny number is 19/03/1982
Toh mere liye nmbr 1 lucky hai ya nmbr 6 ya inn dono ka total number 7 please reply me
Hi Meenakshi,
Pick a number according to your profession.
Hi sir, my name is Chandan Paul, my Dob is 16/02/1983
, my bir no. 7 And destiny no.30=3 iam having four numbers
(1) 9073691555=50=5,
(2) 9051369555=48=12=3 and
(3) 8334073114=34=7 and
(4) 9836532147=48=12=3 all are my family s only iam a accounts clerk, and I am suffering financial as well as mental problems, and I am really confused, and I want to use only one number. And which number suit for me pls guide me sir please.
Go for a mobile number with a total of 3 and have multiple 3s in that. Avoid any kind of repetition of the number 6 in the mobile number.
Namaste sir, my name is nagarajDOB 12) 06/1974 , 10.25 AM SECUNDERABAD iam having four number s of my family which can i use
Your Birth Number and Destiny number are the same i.e., 3. Ideally, you should for a mobile number total of 3, this is as per numerology. However, if you want to get a number that is lucky for your business or profession then you can get in touch with us.
Hii sir my name is kandela Narsaiah dob 29.11.1970 mobile no 94913 44622, 8341866229,I have running business. Wich number suit ,pls suggestions sir
Hi Narsaiah,
Go for a mobile number that totals 3.
Hi sir, my name is Nagaraju, my bir no. And destiny no. Both is 3 iam having three numbers
9959127499, 9951989932 and 8886188139 and 9133126749 all are my family s only iam a banker which number suit for me pls guide
Number total of 3 suits you. Just ensure that it has multiple 1, 2, 3, and 9 in it. Avoid repetition of 4, 5, 6, or 8 in that number.
My birthdate 18
Destiny number 6
My professional work -doctor
My mobile number total -1(789646645)
My age 32
Should I continue to hold my phone
Hi May,
If everything is going fine in your life then you shouldn’t change anything.
Sir apne mera, Rubi Bar, reply dea aj subha, mane 1310/2022, to sir mujhe konsa number follow karna chaheya, mera rashi vi Pisces he. Mera chak me robi, sukra, mangal ek sang 8th house me he, Jupiter 5th, Murcary 7th, ketu 6th, or saturn 4th or rahu 12th house me he. Mera lagna he cancer, mera dob is 16 th February 1983. Sir please mujhe e uljhane se path dekhaie, mujhe konsa number lena hoga, please sir.
Sir my DoB is 20 aug 1989
Birth no. 2 Destiny no. 1
currently i am using 8876899040 mobile number total is 5
is it good for me ?
Suggest me for best n lucky mobile number please
Hi Deep,
5 number and 2 number are not friends. You should go for a mobile number that is friendly to your birth number and destiny number both.
If you are into Banking, Finance, Teaching field then you can go for number 3.
If you are in Government sector, or deal with Government organizations, or aspiring for a Govt job then go for total 1.
If you are into Property Consultancy, Law, or running a Restaurant then go for total 9.
For further information call our team at +91 9990513999.
Great to see in Google page.. utubers are really confusing
Most of them are doing it to get the YouTube views only.
Hi Rubi,
We use astrology to evaluate if a number is lucky for you or not. Numerology has originated from astrology only. Number 5 is not universal friend but it is number 6.
To sir mere lea lucky number konsa hoga or mobile ke lea mujhe konsa number follow karna chaheya? Please sir.
Hello Sir, My Main Planet no. is 8, Life Path no. is 9 and Name destiny no is 5. Which number is best for mobile?
Thank you.
Hi Chetan,
Kindly read the article thoroughly and you will get your answer.
My name is Hritik Singh .
Dob is 22/05/1996
Can i use a number totalling 1 ?
How is 9811211612 is a number for me .
Its total comes to 5.
Check if number 1 is friendly to your Birth Number or/and Destiny number or not.
My dob is 31.04.1971
Mulank -4 bhagyank -5 name number-7
Engineer by profession
Ideal phone no kya hona hai plz
You can go for total 4.
The lucky number for mobile phone should include country number?
Hi Esther,
You should not include the country code with your mobile number.
My birthday is 01/06/1973 is no totaling 3 with last digit 6869 good for me have also no totaling 1 with last digits 6869
Hi Vikas,
It is not easy to say yes or no to any number just based on the last 4 digits. You need to consider the whole number.
+971585176869 is the whole number
You don’t need to use the country code to find out if your mobile number suits you or not.
Good day Mr Dinesh.
My birth no is 5 and my destiny no is 6. I have two mobile numbers. The total no of one of them is 4 and the other total no is 6. Which is one better for me? Thank you.
Total 6 would be better as per Numerology.
Hi Sir, my DOB is 9/10/1982 and m in plastic recycling business. Plz suggest me a best mobile total number for me and if possible suggest best mobile number.
Hi Suraj,
If you want us to suggest a mobile number to you according to your DOB then kindly get in touch with our team via our WhatsApp Number +91 7042523259.
Mera date of birth he 16/02/1983, Wednesday, name number 6, sab bolta he j 5 number balance ka he, stability ka he, mera financial position bilkul thik nehi he,relationship me v problem he, me ek nya number lea hu 9903716555 jiska total 5, mera rashi pisces he, kea e number jata he mere lea sir, please bata dejea,
Aap number 3 le lo
9903716555 = 50 = OR 9836532147 = 48 = 12 =3
Pick number 3
My date of birth 26/4/1988, Which Mobile Number Choose and which numbers are more time coming Last total and combinations of digits please reply Sir
Pick number 3
Hello sir, sir mere birth date 16, or mera pura date month year jog kar ke 30 ata he. Mere pas ek number he 9903716555=50=5, e number me naya lia he, e number kea jata he mere sath? Mere purana number he 9830072122=34=7.
Sir konsa rakhu.
Aap number 3 rakho.
Sir mere pass tin number he please ek number choose kar dejea,
9830072122= 34=7
Mera mulank 7, and bhagyank 3, me janma ka mahina he February.
Keep number 3 mobile phone number.
Pranam sir.
My birth date is 1983/02/16, sir please suggest which number should I consider? Thank you sir.
You should keep mobile number total 3 and multiple 3 in that number.
Hello Sir,
My DOB is 31/12/1979 can you please suggest which number I should consider
Hi Ajay,
Pick a mobile number that is friendly to your profession.
Here is a piece of advice for you as you are a number 4 personality.
Number 4: People who are multi-talented but not money-minded are number 4. Hard work is the only way for them to gain wealth. As critical thinkers, they make great journalists, lawyers, consultants, engineers, technologists, etc. If they don’t get support from number 4, they should avoid gambling, the stock market, and other speculative professions. 4, 5, 6, and 8 numbers are excellent choices for them to use as their mobile numbers, and they should avoid 1, 2, and 9 at any cost.
If you still have any doubt then do write to us.
My DOB is 05.01.1982. Which no. will be best for me
Madhavika Choudhury
What is your profession?
Sir 5 number ke a number 7 or number 3 k sang nehi jata, mera mulank 7 and bhagyank 3. Mujhe konsa Lena chie?
Pick number 3
Sir my date of birth 27th june. 1992, mera mulank 27= 9 and bhagyank 9, and name number is 69=6, Sir mere pas ek number he 9093511566=45=9 jise maine kuch hi din pehle liya h, mera permanent number 8918682619=58=13=4 tha, sir mera umar 30+ he. Mai av jobless hu, koi business v nahi h, padhai likhai kar ke bhi berojgar baitha hu, Sir please bol dijiye ye naya number mere career ke liye kaisa rahega, or agar acha nahi hoga ye number to please bataiye ki apne mobile number PE kis pattern ko include Karu or unka sum kya hona chahiye for personal and official purposes.
Hi Suraj,
Kindly follow these tips:
1. Kuber Mudra
2. Vastu for Wealth
3. Tips for Career
SIR MERA DOB IS 16/02/1983,
SIR 9836532147 = 48 = 12 =3 OR 9477531966 = 57 = 12=3. SIR WHICH ONE IS BEST?
Pick this one 9836532147. The other number has double 6 in the end which goes against the default philosophy of both number 7 & 3 i.e., spirituality.
Sir my date of birth 16th Feb. 1983, mera mulank 16= 7 and bhagyank 30=3, and name number is 51=6, Sir mere pas do number he 9903716555 = 50= 5 and or ek 9836532147=48=12=3. & or ek ka total 8334073114 = 34= 7. sir mera umar 38+ he. Sir please bol dejea konsa jada effective or lucky hoga for personal and official purposes.
Use mobile number with total of 3.
I want new mobile number provided.
My name Mahesh Mane
B”day 14 /02/1979
My working mobile 91-9594537955.
1+4+0+2+1+9+7+9=33 (3+3=6)
Sir My DOB is 29/06/1988 and I am a Chartered Accountant by profession and trader in the share market, which will be the best mobile no. for me?
Hi Moolchand,
You need to pick a mobile number that matches your wealth number or lucky number.
Face North direction while trading and practice Kuber Kudra.
Sir, meri dob hai 26/11/1980 aur mujhe new mobile no lena hai to kaun sa no lu. Main house wife hu par padne ka sikhne ka bahut shauk hai, independent hona chahti hu. Shyness bahut hai jis wajah se kisi se baat nahi kar pati aur aage bhi nahi badh pati. Please suggest me sir new no of mobile
Pick mobile total 1.
My Dob Is 27/07/1993
Driver No-9 Conductor-2
Name Compound No-1
Missing No-4568
Sir Mobile ka Total Konsa Lena chaiye Or last ki 3 digit konsi Leni chaiye…
You should go for a mobile number total 3 and it would be good if you can get last four digits as 3333.
Hlo sir
I am confused since last 6 months which number to choose
My DOB: 22.12.1981
Which digits should be more in mobile
Last digits and starting digits, which digits should be more, which should be totally avoidable
I bought two numbers earlier but if no use 8400445577/8675222228…
Please advise
Hi Tejpal,
Your mobile number should be friendly to your Wealth Number if you want to use it for business purposes.
Sir My Mulank is 7 and Bhagyank is 3, Sir I have two number 9836532147=48=12=3, and 6293004033=30=3. Sir Please Choose one number from above. Please sir help me which one is better?
Use the first one.
Sir, My mulank is 7, bhgyank is 8 and My name ank is 6, I have two mobile number 9933610872 and 9332513366, which is good for me please advise, thank you sir
Hi Prabir,
We neither your birth number or destiny number nor your DOB. If you have crossed the age 35 then you can go for a mobile number that totals to 3.
Sir mera mulank 7, bhagyank 3, mera mobile ka total 7 pey hei.
Or ek ka 5, sir Mujhe kea number change karna hoga? Please sir bol dejea.
Out of 7 & 5 use 7
Sir please samjme nahi aya. konsa 5 or 7? please sir bol dejea.
Sir Mera date of birth is 16/02/1983. Mulank 7 and Bhagyank 3, Mobile number k lea konsa jada effective hoga? Mere pas mobile ka total hei 48=3, 34=7 and 50=5 (iska last mey 555 and 2,4,8 nahin hei).Sir konsa ek number jo follow karna chaheea.
As per numerology 3 would be better.
Pranam Sir, Sir Mera DOB is 16/02/1983, mera mulank 7 and bhagyank 3, Mera pass 4 mobile number hei, sir please bol dejea konsa match karta hei, apka charte me sir 3 no ka respect me 3 ka postion nehi malum chalraha hei? jese 3 keya 3 ka friend hei na ki neutral he na ki anti hei. thik aese 7 vi, so please sir kona sa number lucky hoga
9836532147 = 48 = 12 =3, or 8334073114 = 34 = 7 or 9830072122 = 34=7 and 9903716555 = 50. sir please bol dejea kona sa best hoga 3, 5 or 7? Pranam sir.
Go for the number that totals to 3 (this is as per the numeorlogy).
And total mobile number- 1 & 3.
Which is the better.
Though both the numbers are good, however, number 1 shares a better relationship with 5 as compared to number 3. So, you should pick the number that is friendly to both Birth Number & Destiny Number.
My date of birth is 10-06-1986. i have two mobile no. 9335820556 and 9336820556. which one is lucky for me???? or which type mobile will suitable for me….?????
Hi Deepak,
To know which type of mobile will suit you and which mobile number will be lucky for you, kindly get in touch with our team at +91 7042523259.
Sir mera DOB is 16/02/1983, mera mulank 7 and bhagyank 3, Sir mera name no 6 chaladean and Pythagorean me 5 a raha he.
Sir mera 1 mobile ka total 48=12=3, or ek ka total 34=7, or ek ka 50=5 sir please boldejea konsa better rahe ga 3, 7, or 5?
Sir please help kar deje.
3 would be better.
Sir Or ek chota sa help kar dejea 48=3 or 57=3 konsa jada effective rahe ga? Please Sir.
Mahesh Mane ?????? 91-9594537955. B’day 14 /02 /1979.
3+3=6 I want new mobile number provided. My old number 9594537955
Hi Mahesh,
Kindly let us know the purpose of your going for a lucky mobile number. If you want to use it for your business purpose then we advise that you speak with our team members.
Hi Sir
My birth number is 5 and destiny number is 6. Which total number is suitable for my career growth? Thank you Sir.
Hi Ayden,
Your birth number 5 and destiny number 6 are very good friends. Now you should pick a number as per your profession.
Hellor Sir, Meri shaadi nahi ho rahi, iske liye numerology me koi upay hai? 30-5-1976
Kindly check these two articles:
Good day Mr Dinesh. My DOB is 5 December 1978. Which no would be the best for me? 4 or 6? Thank you.
Hi Az Ashburn,
We suggest that you go for a mobile number that matches your profession. If you have any other question you can get in touch with our team via our whatsapp number +91 7042523259.
My BIRTH NUMBER: 1, DESTINY OR LIFE PATH NUMBER: 2. which number is good for me?
You can pick anything that is friendly to both 1 and 2.
My Birth No. 2 & Destiny No. is 6 – which mobile no. I can have? plz help sir…
I think we have already discussed this on WhatsApp. If you have any other you can get back to us.
My birth date 30.04.1996 which telephone number total is best for me? My husband birth date 3.10.1991 which mobile number total is good for him? Please pleaseee answer wait for youuu
Hi Rano,
Selecting a telephone number is dependent on two factors. You can either pick a number that matches your DOB (Birth & Destiny Number) or you can pick a number that matches your profession.
My birth # is 1
Destiny #2
I’m confused about which one is best to use(I am over age 35)
And is 1 more compatible or harder to find compatibility?
Or do I add BOTH numbers and use total(3)?
Hi Jennifer,
It depends upon what you are trying to achieve with the numbers. If you are trying to use the number to move ahead in your professional life then number 1 is good. However, if you are trying to work on your relationship with people around you then number 2 is good.
If you are in a profession that requires leadership qualities viz. Manager, Team Leader, CEO, etc then number 1 is fine.
If you are in a profession that requires creativity viz Designing, Creative Visualzing, PR, etc then number 2 is better.
Number 1 is Sun, it gives us a competitive edge and the energy of fire.
Number 2 is Moon which is comparatively a soft planet that blesses with creativity.
I hope it helps.
Sir mera mulank aur bhagyank 3 hai, mobile no. Ka yog kitna rakhe for financial stability
Pick a total 3 with multiple 3s in it and also 1, 2 & 9.
Sir mera mulank 7, bhagyank 3, name number 6, sir konsa number jade effective hoga 3 Or 5. Please sir bol dejea chart se thik samajna nehi pata.
3 would be better.
Thank you sir jo apne mera reply dea, sir Or ek chota sa ulghone solve kar dejea mera mobile ka total 48 pey ata uska koi problem to nehi?
Sir lekin mera mobile number ka total 7 a raha hey. Mene search ke lekin 3 number nahe mela.
Hey, understood everything.
Just a doubt. If Mobile number (9) is come same as destiny number (9) , what it’s meaning? Good ,ok or bad?
P.s. birth number is 1.
It is good.
Sir DOB 12.04.1987, 07.05am, villupuram
name:- s.praveenkumar
my mobile number is lucky?
Kindly use our online tool to check your mobile number & DOB. All the instructions are there just follow them you will get to know, in case you experience any issue then please get back to us.
Pranam Sir, myself Neetu my DOB is 12/5/1976 I have two 8266864248 /9536623968 which one is best .
Hi Neetu,
Use the mobile number that matches your DOB. Kindly refer to the ‘Mutual Relationship of Numbers’ table given on the page.
My name is Rajat Metha my birth 9 and destiny is 7 and mob no total is 4. I am below edge of 35. What should I do. Should I change the number
Your Birth Number and your Mobile number are inimical to each other.
Dhriti Singha DOB:01.05.2005, which mobile nos. best suits her 9372668120 OR 7977629502?
Pick the number that is friendly to your DOB and avoid the repetition of the number that is inimical to your DOB.
Lucky phone no. Job future
Kindly use our online calculator to find the lucky phone number
My birth .no.3
Destiny no. 9
So what kind of mobile number iwant to choose .either total or mentioned
Plzz give me lucky mobile number
You can pick anything that matches your DOB. 1, 3, 9 anything.
My Date of birth is 16.05.1975, please give lucky mobile number for me, for improvement in health, wealth and also jobside.
We do provide a paid service for getting a mobile number from us. Kindly get in touch with us on +91 7042523259.
My birth number is 5 and detiny number is 4 what should be the total of mobile number
Please use the online tool and if you need a paid consultation then you can reach us at +91 7042523259.
Mobile number that adds up to 7 is not mentioned anywhere in the relationship table. Does it mean mobile numbers which total to 7 must be avoided?
Hi Sachin,
If you have your birth number 7, you can always go for it.
However, in our case, we use astrology to find the lucky, favourable and unfavourable numbers. In any case, we should avoid numbers that are unfavourable to us.
My birth number is 3 and destiny number is 4. I have two mobile number the total of one is 2 and the other is 4. Which of the two is lucky for me?
Whenever there is a tussle between birth number and destiny number, we always suggest to your astrology to find your lucky numbers. You would be better off with a mobile number total of 3.
My..dob is 06/03/1963
What do you want to know?
My date of birth 30121983, Which Mobile Number Choose and which numbers are more time coming
According to your DOB
Birth Number: 3
Destiny Number: 9
Go for a mobile number total of 3 or 9.
The numbers 3 (Jupiter) and 9 (Mars) are the best friends in Astrology and your Birth Number & Destiny number are also friendly to each other.
Now you need to check which number suits you the most and go for it.
What should we do if psychic n destiny both nos. Are non-frindly to each other.
Please reply
We get maximum queries related to the same question, and we suggest if Psychic & Destiny numbers are different then find out your lucky number using Astrology.
Pranam sir, mera son ka nam hei Aishik Ganguly, . Date of birth hei 17/04/2017, mulank 8, bhagyank 4, name number sayed 8, sir kon kon sa number lucky hoga pura life k lea? Pranam sir,
Finding a lucky number is a paid service. Kindly get in touch with our team via for more information.
If both destiny number (total) and mobile number (total) is same than is that mobile number inimical/friendly/neutral as it is nowhere mentioned in your chart on mutual relationship of numbers.
Every number is a friend of itself, however, you must check both destiny and birth number.
Do we include country code or area code while keying in the mobile number. Thank you.
Namasthe sir,
Dob total 5,
Birth number is 9.
Please tell me which number will be best for me.
Total 1 which is friendly to both 5 & 9.
Hello sir,
My DOB: 25/08/1978.
Time- 11:45 pm
Place: Mumbai
I want to pursue career in film writing and directing as well as trading in stock market.
Please help me with my lucky mobile number
Hi Biren,
Number 3 & 7 are good for direction and writing. Number 4 & 5 are good for stock market. They are two different things and field of business.
Thankyou so much for this interesting and insightful article to enhance and harmony with luck.
Ashwani Gambhir 14/01/1973 so root/Birth is 5 and destiny is 8 . After read this article I think the 5 and 6 is better for me. But Same time considering 3 and 8.for career Purpose which number will be most suitable?. If I want to make career in film Directing/acting which is best 6 or 5 . But same time 8 is for job, career and related to Saturn. So what we need to preference compatibility or industry/profession.?kindly guide.
If you want to build your career on the basis of your looks pick number 6. However, if you want to stand out for your acting prowess and good direction skills then pick number 3.
Your article is interesting. Do u conduct courses in numerology? Can u recommend good books on numerology n Vastu Shastra?
Yes, we do teach Numerology. You can connect with us via WhatsApp on +91 7042523259