How To Check The Direction Of Your House
Vastu Shastra and Directions
Nowadays, people read an article or two online to ensure their house adheres to Vastu, Feng Shui principles and try implementing the suggestions given on these articles. However, they find it difficult to ascertain the direction to which their house is facing.
Let’s learn today; how to find the direction of your entrance using a compass. The first thing you need to do is get a good quality Magnetic Compass to form a good stationery shop or gift shop.
We can use the compass available on the phone, too; however, I have noticed that the compass in the iPhones works better than the compass in the Android phones. I have not seen an Android phone, which can give an accurate reading of directions. So avoid using any phone and prefer a magnetic compass.
Vastu & Directions – How to identify the facing direction of your home:
Step 1: Stand at the center of your house facing towards the door (as if you’re going out of your home) and keep the compass in your hand.
Step 2: Ensure that there is no electronic item or iron made furniture or structure around you, which can influence the compass reading.
Step 3: Use the compass and align the North direction on the compass with the North arrow on the compass and note down the direction you are facing, and that direction will be the direction your house faces.

We all know that there are in total eight directions, four main (cardinal) directions and the 4 sub directions (corners where two directions meet eg, North & East meet and make North-East direction) and it’s not necessary that our house would face any cardinal direction (East, North, West or South) only, it may face any of the sub directions too.
Cardinal (main) Directions
Sub-Directions or Corners
We all know or must have heard about the cardinal directions, however, very fewer people know that these sub-directions or corners have a lot of importance as you would often read, we should have master bedroom in the South West, Kitchen in the South East, Living Room in the North East etc. These corners are occupied by different elements (Fire, Air, Water, and Earth), planets (Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Rahu) and direction lords (Ish, Agni, Vayu & Nairuti) and areas inside any house are allocated according to those elements and direction lords only.

Sub-directions (corners) in Vastu – How to Identify Them
Sub-directions are the corners where two directions meet:
1. North & East meet at the North-East corner.
2. South & East meet at the South-East corner.
3. North & West meet at the North-West corner.
4. South & West meet at the South-West corner.
Let’s understand the importance of all the corners or sub directions.
North-East corner – Its importance in Vastu Shastra
North & East directions meet at the North-East corner, North-East corner is ruled by planet Jupiter (the planet of wealth & wisdom) and water element (represents money).
Jupiter is the teacher of Devta’s and revered like God, and this area also belongs to Lord Shiva (ISH); that is why it is also known as “Ishan Cone or God’s Corner.”
The north-east corner is best suited for Pooja Room, Prayer Room, Living Room, Study or a Kids Bedroom.
A Kitchen or Toilet is a major Vastu flaw and a complete no-no in this direction, but if there is any, then please ensure that proper remedy is undertaken to remove the Vastu Dosh.
South-East Corner – What’s remarkable about it?
South & East directions meet at the South-East corner; this corner is ruled by Venus and Fire element and known an “Agni” or Fire corner.
Now almost everyone knows that we should have a Kitchen in the South East.
If there is a bedroom in the South-East direction, then the inmates of that bedroom would be short-tempered due to the presence of a Fire element, so proper remedy should be taken to ensure the smoother life.
South-West Corner – Why it’s essential in Vastu Shastra
South & West directions meet at the South West; it’s ruled by the “Earth” element and “Rahu” planet. This corner is also known as the “Nairutya (demon)” corner.
We should always keep South West heavy, dark and it is best suited for the Master Bedroom. Avoid the toilet in this direction as it affects the stability of the house.
North-West Corner – What Does Vastu Say About It
North & West directions meet at the North-West corner (NW), it’s ruled by the “Air” element and “Moon”; it’s called as “Vayu” or “Air” corner.
We can have a Kitchen (Air supports fire), a bedroom for guest or marriageable daughter, or even a living room. We can also have a Toilet in the NW corner.
About The Consultant
Dinesh Atrish is a celebrity international Name Vibrations Specialist / Astrologer / Vastu consultant / Feng Shui practitioner.
Trains Stock Market Traders on Financial Astrology & Technical Analysis.
Call us at +91 9990513999 or email at
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Can i build a house whose main entrance is toward north while the main road/connecting road to my plot is toward west?
Yes, you can. Just make sure you adhere to Vastu principles.
1. Bedroom
2. Kitchen
3. Doors & Windows
4. Vastu to attract wealth
For more tips you can explore our website.