Health & Healing Mantras
At this juncture of having health concerns worldwide, we can use the Vedic shield in the form of mantras & chantings given to us by our sages thousands of years ago.
Mantras, or chantings, produce powerful vibrations that promote healing, insight, creativity, and spiritual growth. These chants have improved, comforted, and inspired the lives of human beings irrespective of their culture or religion.
We can repeat these mantras aloud, or we can recite them in silence and can be used by people of any religion or spiritual practice, “as you work at home, as you drive to the office or come back, as you meditate, or as you go for a walk.”
Use these two powerful mantras to achieve the best benefits
1. Maha Mrityunjaya (???????????? ?????)
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra generates divine vibrations that ward off all the negative and evil forces and creates a powerful protective shield. Regular chanting will protect you from sudden death, accidents, famine, misfortunes of any kind, calamity and unexplained situations.
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Play Mahamrituyu Mantra for 1 hour every day at your home.
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Om haum joom saha
Om bhoorbhuvaha svaha
Om Trayambakam Yajaamahe SugandhimPushtivardhnam
Urvvarukamiva Bandhanaan Mrityormuksheeya Maamrataat
Om SvahaBhuvaha bhooh Om
Saha joom haum om
2. Nama Traya Astra Mantra (??? ???? ?????? ??????)
The Agni Purana mentions this powerful mantra that has been considered effective for all diseases. If you chant this mantra with faith and devotion, then all diseases can be overcome.
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Play Nama Traya Astra Mantra for 1 hour every day at your home
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Achyutaya Namaha ? Anantaya Namaha ? Govindaya Namaha ?
About The Consultant
Dinesh Atrish is a celebrity international Name Vibrations Specialist / Astrologer / Vastu consultant / Feng Shui practitioner.
Trains Stock Market Traders on Financial Astrology & Technical Analysis.
Call us at +91 9990513999 or email at
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