The “Five Elements” Theory of Feng Shui

The way we have five elements in Vastu viz. Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Space. Feng Shui also talks about five elements viz. Water, Fire, Earth, Wood and Metal.

Both Vastu & Feng Shui have three elements in common Water, Fire and Earth, two elements which Feng Shui has, but Vastu doesn’t are Wood and Metal.

According to Feng Shui these “five elements” are five energy fields or five different kinds of “chi” which surround us all the time at our work place or in side our home. And their presence or absence play an important role in our life.

Five element theory states that if these five elements are changed or moved, this could seriously affect a person’s fate.

If we consider yin and yang to be the center of the Feng Shui, then the theory of the “five elements” should be treated as its cornerstone.

The Five Elements Production, Destruction and Moderation Cycles

To thrive and feel healthy we require the adequate presence of all five feng shui elements in our home or office space. We must understand the Bagua and gain expertise in bringing the required feng shui elements for each specific Bagua area, be it with colors, shapes or specific images.

We also need a good knowledge of strengthening or weakening the presence of a specific feng shui element to harmonize the environment inside house or office.


One of the main tools used in analyzing the energy of any given space, be it home, office, or garden in Feng Shui is Bagua (also called ba-gua or pakua). Bagua is the feng shui energy map of our space that shows us which areas of our home or office are connected to specific areas of our life.

Bagua literally means “8 areas” in Chinese language, and these are the areas which relate to the most important areas of human beings life, the areas which affect our health, happiness and overall well being.

The ancient feng shui masters defined as the most important areas follow as:

  • East :           Health and family
  • South East :           Wealth and abundance
  • South :           Fame and reputation
  • South West :           Love and marriage
  • West :           Creativity and children
  • North West :           Helpful people and blessings
  • North :           Career and path in life
  • North East :           Spiritual growth and cultivation

Each Gua Has Its Corresponding Element

Direction – Corresponding Elements

  1. East – Big Wood
  2. South East – Small Wood
  3. South – Fire
  4. South West – Big Earth
  5. West – Small Metal
  6. North West – Big Metal
  7. North – Water
  8. North East – Small Earth

The way Feng Shui tries to find the perfect balance in Yin and Yang to harmonize the energy of a house or office. Same way it’s really important to strike a balance in these five elements to maintain nurturing Chi in premises. There are three main relationships between these five elements. First one is called  “production cycle”, Second one is called “destruction cycle” and the third one is called “moderation cycle”.

Production Cycle of Five Elements

 Water nurtures -> Wood nurtures -> Fire nurtures -> Earth nurtures -> Metal nurtures -> Water.

  • Water nourishes Wood.
  • Wood feeds Fire.
  • Fire, when it turns to ash, creates Earth.
  • Earth, as it condenses over time, turns to Metal.
  • And Metal enhances the life-giving properties of Water.

We use the Productive, or Creative, cycle when we need to strengthen a particular feng shui element. For example, let’s say, we need to strengthen the Water feng shui element in North. Apart from bringing in water in North (water fountain, aquarium, images of water, mirrors) we will also focus on bringing more of the Metal element because it produces Water. We can hang a 6 rod metallic wind chime, place a metallic ship, metallic décor items in Grey or White color etc.

Destruction Cycle of Five Elements

Water weakens -> Fire weakens –> Metal weakens -> Wood weakens –> Earth weakens –> Water.

  • Earth dams Water.
  • Water puts out Fire.
  • Fire melts Metal.
  • Metal chops Wood.
  • Wood consumes Earth.

We use the Productive, or Creative, cycle when we need to strengthen a particular feng shui element. For example, let’s say, we need to strengthen the Water feng shui element in North. Apart from bringing in water in North (water fountain, aquarium, images of water, mirrors) we will also focus on bringing more of the Metal element because it produces Water. We can hang a 6 rod metallic wind chime, place a metallic ship, metallic décor items in Grey or White color etc.

 Moderation Cycle of Five Elements

Water consumes -> Metal consumes –> Earth consumes -> Fire consumes –> Wood consumes–> Water

  • Earth dams Water.
  • Water puts our Fire.
  • Fire melts Metal.
  • Metal chops Wood.
  • Wood consumes Earth.
Moderation Cycle in Feng Shui

We use the Productive, or Creative, cycle when we need to strengthen a particular feng shui element. For example, let’s say, we need to strengthen the Water feng shui element in North. Apart from bringing in water in North (water fountain, aquarium, images of water, mirrors) we will also focus on bringing more of the Metal element because it produces Water. We can hang a 6 rod metallic wind chime, place a metallic ship, metallic décor items in Grey or White color etc.

About The Consultant

Dinesh Atrish is a celebrity international Name Vibrations Specialist / Astrologer / Vastu consultant / Feng Shui practitioner. 

Trains Stock Market Traders on Financial Astrology & Technical Analysis.

Call us at +91 9990513999 or email at

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