Dussehra 2021 Puja Muhurat & Timings
On Dashami, October 15, the Vijay Muhurat falls between 1:59 pm and 2:48 pm, while Aparahna Puja is between 1:12 pm and 3:34 pm
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What to learn from Dussehra?
What to learn from Dussehra and how to tackle daily issues using Name Vibrations. The way Ravana had 10 vices, we also have a few which we keep struggling to fight with. This Dussehra lets use Name Vibrations to come over our Wealth Issues, Health Issues, Legal Disputes, Lack of Fame, Loss of Work, Mental Problems, Feeling of Fear, Lack of Positivity, Loss of Money, Lack of Promotion, Strained Relations
How do Name Vibrations help in fighting with these Vices?
First, we should know why these things can happen to us. When God sent us on this Earth God gave us a few hidden things, which remain hidden until they are unlocked. They can be unlocked by people with special skills, or some special techniques.
Few or maybe many of us question God, why are we facing these undesired/unwanted problems, however, we never realize that nothing supersedes the supreme power, and that supreme has given us the solutions to almost all the problems/struggles we experience.
One of the hidden/secret path to success is our own name. We can’t change our date of birth, we can’t change our horoscope, we can’t change our family, however, we do have control on one of the most important thing in our life, and that is our name.
Everything around us sends vibrations, we have seen mantras working, we have seen chanting working, have we ever given it a thought how they work, what mantras and chanting do. Yes, you are getting close – they produce vibrations. Mantras and chanting are pronounced in a particular way which produce special vibrations to achieve desired results.

What Else Can We Do?
If you have been suffering from wealth issues, health-related-problems, strained relationships, excessive expenses, no career growth for a long time, then you must pay attention to the things which are causing issues and not letting you get the uninterrupted flow of money (to repay the loans) & good health, ensure that your bedroom is not placed in an unfavourable direction and check your kitchen to control your expenses. Also, make sure your bathrooms are not causing any afflictions and you are doing regular de-cluttering of your house. Use Laughing Buddha, wall clock and plants wisely to improve the positive Chi in your home, and avoid these basic mistakes to reduce the effect of negative energy inside the office and home.
You can also use our various online numerology calculators to attract luck and positive vibrations in your life lucky number for car calculator or bike calculator, check if your business partner is lucky for you or find a suitable business name, baby name or to check the compatibility between you & your love.
About The Consultant
Dinesh Atrish is a celebrity international Name Vibrations Specialist / Astrologer / Vastu consultant / Feng Shui practitioner.
Trains Stock Market Traders on Financial Astrology & Technical Analysis.
Call us at +91 9990513999 or email at mail@dineshatrish.com
Baby Names | Business Name Numerology | Name Vibrations Reports | Stock Market Numerology
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