What is a Strong Name?
A Strong name is one which has a frequency of around 450 or above out of 500 i.e. 90%, and which compliments either your Wealth Number, Lucky Number, Birth Number, or Destiny Number. We advise that it should complement your wealth number or lucky number because everyone born on the same day will have the same Birth Number or Destiny number, however, the wealth number or lucky number may not remain the same.
In fact, people born on different dates of different months or years may have the same Birth & Destiny number, but their charts will be completely different from each other. For example, here is the date of birth of three different people born in three different locations in the world 21 / March / 1961, 03 April 1978 and 12 July 1993 have the same birth number 3 and destiny number 5.
Their wealth and lucky numbers are completely different from each other. And, they will be in a better position if their name is synced with their wealth or their lucky number.
How does it feel to have a strong name?
- A name, which has strong vibration
- A name, which will build your new self confidence
- A name, which can make you more attentive & focused
- A name, which can improve your thought process & creativity
Note: Helps in deciding a powerful personal name or a business name. Ultimately we all want to be successful, we leave no stone unturned to achieve our goals. Having a powerful name not only makes our life easy, it helps in annihilating the unwanted situations. This is very useful for Artists, Businessmen, Politicians, and Sportsmen. And also for everybody who wants an extra edge.
How does it feel to know the number which suits you or which does not suit you?
- A number, which you know repeats on most occasions for you
- A number, which you always wanted to know, your Lucky Number
- A number or few numbers which will always support you.
- A number or few numbers which may always trouble you.
- How to deal with the people with unfavorable numbers.
Note: This helps in deciding our new phone numbers, new house numbers, and maybe our new vehicle numbers. Using our Lucky / Favorable number always creates a synergy that helps in reducing the obstacles and weakening the opposition.
How to make use of the favorable Letters & how to deal with the unfavorable ones?
- Letters that may help you in acquiring more success.
- Letters that will support you whatever the situation may be.
- Letters that will work against you in most of cases.
Note: This helps in planning to deal with people accordingly. No matter what would be your relationship with the person, if his/her name Letter (Alphabet) favors you, ultimately he will end up benefiting you, same way if the person’s name is not favorable to you, he/she may unwillingly and inadvertently harm you.
How does it make a difference if you know your favorable day & unfavorable day?
- The day which will always prove beneficial for you.
- The day which has the power to turn tides in favor of you
- Days which may not give you the desired result.
Note: This may help us in deciding what to do on a particular day, how to prepare for an unfavorable day, and when to start important tasks.
Here is your name strength
First Name | Last Name | Frequency/Strength (Out of 500 Maximum) |
Eesha | Thakar | 335.16 |
Kailash Kumar | Verma | 408.26 |
Claude | Sainne Charles | 337.9 |
Satya | Prakash | 248.66 |
Sangeeta | Verma | 403.86 |
Deepak Kumar | Gupta | 381.94 |
Akansha | Verma | 297.39 |
Akanksha | Verma | 483.25 |
Sajal | Jain | 463.20 |
Alok | Verma | 288.69 |
Ravi | Bansal | 356.96 |
Abha | Sharma | 344.12 |
Tanya | Varshney | 425.07 |
Nitya | 401.00 | |
Pratibha | Verma | 353.56 |
Vaibhav | Kataria | 379.66 |
Arun | Kumar | 335.33 |
Shubh | Prateek | 252.17 |
Piyush | Anand | 262.95 |
Vicky | Soni | 271.69 |
Gautam | Verma | 453.90 |
Ankit | Bhardwaj | 263.65 |
Sanjay | Khare | 305.89 |
Michael Dave | Galleno | 400.69 |
Balaji | Shrof | 429.04 |
Nikita | Patial | 374.11 |
Aruna S. | Toppo | 442.89 |
Anuj | Saraf | 305.37 |
Some Popular Personalities with Strong Names;
Bill Gates | 459.88 |
Elon Reeve Musk | 464.86 |
Mark Zuckerburg | 449.89 |
Donald J Trump | 479.62 |
Rajesh Khanna | 470.83 |
Vladimir Putin | 475.99 |
Virat Kohli | 441.92 |
Ronald Reagan | 485.02 |
About The Consultant
Dinesh Atrish is a celebrity international Name Vibrations Specialist / Astrologer / Vastu consultant / Feng Shui practitioner.
Trains Stock Market Traders on Financial Astrology & Technical Analysis.
Call us at +91 9990513999 or email at mail@dineshatrish.com
Baby Names | Business Name Numerology | Name Vibrations Reports | Stock Market Numerology
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