Car Number Numerology Calculator
Who can get the Car Number for Free?
If your Birth Number and Destiny Number are friendly to each other then you can very easily get a car number that is friendly with your DOB for absolutely FREE. If they are not friendly to each other then we advise that you use Astrology to get an appropriate car number else you will either have trouble with your birth number or your destiny number.
If you are buying a car that is above 10 lacs INR then we advice that you go for a car number based on your Wealth number based on Astrology.
Here is a step-by-step process to get the Car numbers for Free
Enter your Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY format), the four digits of the Car number, and the complete Car number i.e., Alpha-numeric series + four digits of the car number.
For instance, your DOB is 12/11/1991, and you want to get a car number 3133 for yourself and the Alpha-numeric series is GJ 12 BL then enter these values in the Car Number Numerology Calculator and click on Calculate.
When you have the result in front of you ensure that you are picking a number that is friendly (or neutral) to your Birth Number & Destiny Number.
1. First, get the four digits and their total is friendly to your Birth and Destiny Number.
2. Evaluate the number with the Series.
Don’t take a number where four digits are inimical with Birth Number & Destiny Number. Also avoid repeating or including the digits that are unfavourable to your birth number or destiny number.
E.g., if your birth number is 1 and destiny number is 9 then avoid repeating 4 & 8 in that. If you want a car with single digit value to be 1 then 1009 is a good option but 1486 is not as it has 4 & 8 in it.
After picking the favourable four digits there can be four instances in matching the complete Car number to the Birth number or Destiny number:
- Both Chaldean & Pythagorean car numbers are friendly to the birth number and destiny number. (amazing Compatibility)
- Both the Chaldean and Pythagorean value of car numbers are not friendly to the birth number and destiny number. (worst compatibility)
- The Chaldean value of the Car number is friendly but the Pythagorean value of the Car number is neither friendly nor neutral to the birth number and destiny number. (manageable compatibility)
- The Chaldean value is neither friendly or neutral but Pythagorean is friendly to the birth number and destiny number. (low compatibility)
You can refer to the Relationship of Numbers table given below to validate the results.
How Alpha-Numeric Values impact the number?
A person with the Date of Birth 19/12/ 1979, wants to pick a car number from either TN08 NG or TN08 RD series. Let’s see which one proves good.
His birth number is 1 (1+9 = 10)) and destiny number is 3 (1+9 + 1+2 + 1+9+7+9 = 39), Upon checking Relationship of Numbers table we noticed that the number 1 (Sun) & number 3 (Jupiter) are friends to each other and the common numbers for them are 1, 2, 3, and 9.
He selected 1911 as his car number and, wants to evaluate which series would give him the best results.
Let’s check which series he should pick for his new car number 1911 = 12 = 3. The series TN08 NG 1911 gives total Chaldean 1 & Pythagorean 3 and TN08 RD 1911 gives total Chaldean 8 & Pythagorean 4 so we would recommend that he go for TN08 NG 1911, as the final number is friendly to both birth and destiny numbers.
So, it is important to pick a number that is favrouable to our Birth Number and Destiny Number even after adding the series, and, an inimical number is not advised.

Buying a Premium Car!
Get Car Number on your Wealth Number & Strong Vibrations (400+) based on your DOB
Who Should Go For the Paid Consultation?
Everyone doesn’t need the paid consultation, however, here are a few situations in which you should consider expert advice before getting the car number:
- If your birth number and destiny number are not friendly to each other.
- If you are buying the car under your company name.
- If more than one person is going to drive that car.
- If you feel your car number should be an asset rather than a liability.
We prefer investing in good stocks, property, or other things that can benefit us in the future.
We should not treat our car as an expenditure; we should treat it like an investment and ensure that we do everything in our reach to make it a fruitful investment.
So, invest in a good car number.
Numerology (FREE)- Chaldean Numerology
- Pythagorean Numerology
- Lucky Number (Navtara Chakra)
- Wealth-Giving Planets (Astrology)
- Wealth Number (Astrology)
- Number Vibrations (200+)
- Cars (Above 5 lacs)
Lucky Number- Chaldean Numerology
- Pythagorean Numerology
- Lucky Number (Navtara Chakra)
- Wealth-Giving Planets (Astrology)
- Wealth Number (Astrology)
- Number Vibrations (300+)
- Cars (Above 10 lacs)
Wealth Number- Chaldean Numerology
- Pythagorean Numerology
- Lucky Number (Navtara Chakra)
- Wealth-Giving Planets (Astrology)
- Wealth Number (Astrology)
- Number Vibrations (400+)
- Premium Cars (Above 25 lacs)
What do People say after getting a Car Number from us?
Below is a Google review from a client who got the car number on 14th Nov 2019 and gave his review on 11th July 2021 (after almost 1.5 years).
I really appreciate the Numerology assignment carried out by Dinesh ji. I took his service of car number numerology. Since my nature of job is public service officer, and also doing lots of travelling. He asked me alot of in depth clarity on my lifestyle, my work profile, social and personal requirements and than summarised the detailed outcomes in form of lucky car number. His thought on my car number should reflect and bring positive energy to me and resulting into fulfilled my desires. Guys believe me, my life has changed alot the moment I bring this new car with choice number. I never looked back professional and personal requirements. I got amazing posting and also got married instantly there after. I personally recommend Dinesh Atrish sirs service and wish him good luck Thanks..
Disclaimer: Actual results may vary from person to person.
Here is a what a young lady who is a Manager in an IT company says about us.
Sharing my personal experience here. I’m an amateur in numerology and I got very confused in selecting my new car number as I was researching through different sources. I stumbled upon Dinesh’s website and everything he mentioned in his article made perfect sense. I used the free calculator to get the lucky car number but I wasn’t convinced yet so I contacted Dinesh on WhatsApp just to be sure. I was amazed at the quick responses from him and also with reasons. I will highly recommend Dinesh because I have read his case studies published on his website and also his responses are quick and accurate. If you go through them, it’ll make perfect sense. Thank you so much Dinesh. I really appreciate your assistance. Will get in touch again if needed.
She got the car number on 5 August 2022 and read her feed back below on 11 August 2022.

If you have been planning to buy a car for a long time but are facing one or the other problem, then you must pay attention to the things which are causing wealth issues and not letting you get the uninterrupted flow of money (to repay the loans), ensure that your bedroom is not placed in an unfavourable direction and check your kitchen to control your expenses.
You can use our various numerology calculators to find the lucky number for your Bike, to check if your business partner is lucky for you or to find a suitable business name, baby name or to check the compatibility between you & your love.
Is Your Car Number Lucky for You?
According to Vehicle Number Numerology, your vehicle number should be friendly (in harmony) to either your Lucky Number or Birth Number, or Destiny Number.
We suggest that your Vehicle Number should carry high vibrations (above 450 out of 497.85) and it should be based on your wealth number to attract prosperity in your life. Calculation of a Lucky number and wealth or money number is complicated and time-consuming and can be carried out by a learned astrologer using your complete date of birth (including time & place of birth).
Here are a few real-life case studies.
A lady with a Birth Number 4 and destiny number 2 has a lucky number 6 and she is using it to her advantage.
A person with birth number 2 & destiny number 3 can have a lucky number 5 and that can’t be calculated using numerology. Because numerology talks about Birth Number also known as a Psychic Number or a Driver Number and Destiny Number also known as a Life Path Number or a Conductor number.
People have given them different names, however, they remain the same e.g. a person with a date of birth of 12 May 1987 will have:
1. the birth number 3, is basically the sum of the birthday (12 = 1 + 2 = 3). It is also your psychic number or driver number.
2. Now the destiny number for the same Date of Birth would be the total of the entire date of birth i.e., day + month + year (yyyy) and it would be 12 + 05 + 1987 = 3 + 5 + 7 = 6. So, the destiny or life path or conductor number is 6 for the person whose DOB is 12 May 1987.
Numerical Value of Letters (Chaldean & Pythagorean)
Chaldean : AIJQY = 1, BKR = 2, CGLS = 3, DMT = 4, EHNX = 5, UVW = 6, OZ = 7, FP = 8
Pythagorean : AJS = 1, BKT = 2, CLU = 3, DMV = 4, ENW = 5, FOX = 6, GPY = 7, HQZ = 8, IR = 9
How to calculate your Car Number Numerology manually (Chaldean)?
Birth Number 1
Here is a vehicle number DL 03 XB 1234. So according to the above steps.
- DL = 43 and XB = 52
- (0+3) + (1+2+3+4)
- (4+3) + (5+2) + (0+3) + (1+2+3+4)
- 7 + 7 + 3 + 10 = 28 = 10 = 9
Basic rule is take the total of the numbers (1+2+3+4) = 10 = 1
My personal experience is most of the time if total of the number is friendly (1+2+3+4) = 10 = 1
Chances are more that entire number comes out friendly (DL XB 03 1234) = (4+3) + (5+2) + (0+3) + (1+2+3+4) = 9
Here Total of numbers = 1 & Total of entire number = 9 (Both Friendly to Birth Number 1)
In case it is not, even if you have to pay some fees or wait for some time, get a number that is friendly (in harmony) to your Birth Number.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Should we go for Vehicle Number Numerology or Astrology?
A lot of people ask us should we go for Numerology or Astrology.
Here, we suggest them if you can afford then always go for a vehicle number or car number based on your complete DOB (including time & place). Using astrology we can find out your money number and a car number that is based on your money number tends to help in your career and business.
Here is a stark difference between Numerology & Astrology.
Case Study:
There was a guy whose birth number was 8 and he bought a premium car worth 50 lacs with 5555 (number), and we know that 5 is friendly to 8.
And the car number total was 2 (5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20 = 2). You will find a lot of numerologists that say 2 is friendly to 8 (but this is not the case).
2 is Moon & 8 is Saturn and they are not friends. In fact, whenever Moon & Saturn are together in a Kundli/Chart/Horoscope it is known as a ‘Vish Yoga’, and people with this kind of yoga have to face a lot of venoms (in form of hostility, backbiting, humiliation) from the people around them.
So, a lot of attention and immaculate calculation needs to be done while selecting a vehicle number or lucky car number.
Coming back to the case study, that guy was offering interior designing services to premium clients like politicians, businessmen, actors, and sportsmen. He had a revenue of 50 Lacs per month.
One of his political friends bought a car with 5555 number, influenced by him he also bought a BMW car with 5555 series.
However, after he bought that car his business collapsed to the level that he ended up doing a job for 50,000 INR per month. Then he bought a Skoda and contacted us for a car number and when we did astrological calculations we found out that 5 was his unfavourable number and numerology can’t tell this and his car number total was 2 (which was friendly to 8 as per few numerologists),
What was the result? Utter Loss!
We have done extensive research on numbers and come up with a calculator that uses both Chaldean and Pythagorean Numerology.
Just for your information, most numerologists use either Chaldean or Pythagorean Numerology for their calculations.
If you are interested in using only Numerology to find a car number for yourself then you may not need to consult any numerologist. Use our free online tool and evaluate your car number on both Chaldean & Pythagorean numerology for free and in case you have any questions you can get chat with us via WhatsApp.
So, we are offering twice of that ‘what others charge for’.
We want everyone to get rich and we know that not everyone can afford our services, due to this reason we came for the free calculator so that you don’t have to pay for numerology.
And if you want to use astrology then you can use our services.
2. Should we consider only the car number or the entire series?
Another set of people asks whether they should consider only the car number or the series too.
We ask them, do they use their first name or complete name, and all of them have the same answer ‘they use their complete name’.
Your complete name might be unique, but your first name or last name can be common.
Even if your last name is very common you don’t drop or ignore your last name.
So, when you consult a numerologist or an astrologer and when they edit your name then doesn’t it impact the total of your name.
The way we use our name, we should not ignore the series of the vehicle number or the car number. We should give emphasis to both first analyzing the alphanumeric series and then picking a number that makes it friendly to your birth and destiny number.
Let’s take an example. There are three cars with the same number 1199 (car number total 1+1+9+9 =2- = 2) but belong to different states.
Do you think these car numbers DL2C UA 1199, TN 3C AQ 1199, KA 33 DD 1199 will give the same result to their owner?
The answer is, No.
As the car number total, 1199 (total 2)is the same and it does play a role to an extent, however, as the series is different and after adding the series, the complete car number value changes so the result will also change.
- DL2C UA 1199 = Chaldean 3 & Pythagorean 9
- TN 3C AQ 1199 = Chaldean 1 & Pythagorean 6
- KA 33 DD 1199 = Chaldean 1 & Pythagorean 1
If this would not be the case then there could be only 0001-9999 possibilities in India and all the people with the same car number would get similar results.
Here is a recent case study, this person read our article and contacted us a few days back and shared his story. He got a number (2219) from his consultant and he bought two cars with the same number but they had different series.
One of the cars was running fine, but, the other one kept facing mishaps. Now if the numbers were the same then how come both the cars have different destinies.
They behaved differently as their series were different and when we added series to the car numbers the vehicle number numerology changed to a number that was not favourable to him.
It’s our life and our choice to follow the system (Chaldean or Pythagorean) we like, however, we suggest everyone also pay attention to the series while they are using our Lucky Car Number Calculator tool.
3. Does the placement of digits have any impact?
Yes, they do. For someone who is evaluating a car number from only numerology’s point of view; the placment of the digits may not matter much (it is just that few numerologists consider that numbers should be in increasing order).
However, we evaluate the strength of the car numbers (we call it number’s vibrations), and the right placement of the digits would be the one that gives the highest vibrations.
Let’s check it ourselves, here is a list of 4 car numbers with the same digits placed at different positions. 0345, 3450, 0453, 4035. Though the car number total would be 3 in all the cases, the vibrations will change.
- 0345 vibrations are 360
- 3450 has the vibrations of 431.54
- 0453 vibrates at 453.01
- 4035 is vibrating at 252.17
Most of the numerologists would suggest that we should pick 0345 as it is in increasing order, but we would suggest 0453 as it is vibrating at higher frequencies.
This is what we specialize in, we find the strength of the number and suggest the one that vibrates at the highest frequencies.
4. Should our Lucky Vehicle Number be in Harmony with our Name or our Date of Birth?
A lot of numerologists say that a Car number can be friendly to either your Date of Birth(DOB) or your Name or to both. However, we suggest that the car number should be friendly to your DOB. The numbers (money & lucky numbers) are ascertained using your DOB with the help of astrology.
Let’s examine.
If your name is not friendly to your DOB and you get a car number that is friendly to your name, then ultimately, your Car number will not be friendly to your DOB. Then it is not going to be a Lucky Car Number for you, and you will keep struggling throughout your life as your name and car number are not in sync with what God has given to you.
Your name should also match your Date of Birth(DOB), as your DOB is given to you by God, and things should match what you are destined for and not with what people have provided to you (your name).
5. Should we buy a Car based on our Birth Number or Destiny Number?
If you want to consider only Numerology then you can pick any number that matches your Birth Number or Life Path Number. Birth Number is also known as Psychic Number or Driver Number and Life Path Number is also known as Destiny Number or Conductor Number.
These various names are given by different consultants for their own personal reasons based on their research, however, you may call it anything the numbers will behave in the same manner.
6. Which system is better Chaldean or Pythagorean?
Both, Chaldean and Pythagorean numerology systems are quite popular amongst the numerology enthusiasts. They are widely used and practiced by numerologists all across the globe.
Though few people say Chaldean is better than Pyghagorean as it is based on the letters vibrations, however, the follower of the Pythagorean numerology have different opinions.
Due to the uniqueness of both the systems we have used both Chaldean numerology and Pythagorean numerology in our ‘Lucky Number for Car calculator’ tool. You can check your vehicle numbers on both systems in one place.
About The Consultant
Dinesh Atrish is a celebrity international Name Vibrations Specialist / Astrologer / Vastu consultant / Feng Shui practitioner.
Trains Stock Market Traders on Financial Astrology & Technical Analysis.
Call us at +91 9990513999 or email at
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