Multiple Business Names Numerology Calculator
Business Name Numerology Calculator
Check Multiple Business Names for Numerology
You might be thinking why do we need a tool for checking multiple business names in one go?
So, the answer is here, this tool is for
- The people who have multiple business names to choose from.
- The people who want to check if all their existing business names are totaling to their desired numbers.
- The people who want to know both Chaldean & Pythagorean values of their business names.
- The person who wants to tweak their Business names and check their values.
- The person who wants to try different spellings for the same business name and check its values.
Numerical Value of Alphabets (Chaldean & Pythagorean)
Chaldean : AIJQY = 1, BKR = 2, CGLS = 3, DMT = 4, EHNX = 5, UVW = 6, OZ = 7, FP = 8
Pythagorean : AJS = 1, BKT = 2, CLU = 3, DMV = 4, ENW = 5, FOX = 6, GPY = 7, HQZ = 8, IR = 9
How to use this tool for the best results?
First, use our free online Business Name Numerology Calculator to know your DOB and associated letters and numbers that suit you.
Once you know the number and letters that suit you, you can try finding a business name that starts with your favourable letter and totals to your favourable number.
You can find mutiple business names with your desired letter and then check them all of them in this tool to save your time and efforts.

Starting a New Business!
- Get a Business Name that starts with your Wealth letter
- The business name that totals to your Wealth Number.
- And, a Name that Vibrates at Higher Frequencies.
Billionaires and their Wealth Numbers
It’s our years of research that provide a deeper insight into the Wealth number and Name Vibrations of a few of the most famous billionaires.
Warren Buffet was born on August 30, 1930, at 15:00, in Omaha, United States. As per his astrological chart his wealth number is 3, which is fortunately for him is his birth number too. And the number that has the capability to limit his growth is number 1.
His first name Warren is also 3 as per Chaldean numerology, and his Name Vibrations are 488.76 out of 497.93, which is pretty high. He has been inherently blessed with wealth energy since his childhood. No wonder he made his first investment in stocks at the age of 11.
When his money number is 3, his birth number is 3, and his name number (Warren) is also 3, then, obviously, he is bound to have wealth luck activated from a very early age.
A few of his best investments are AAPL = 3 (Pythagorean),
Government Employees Insurance Company = 3 (Chaldean), also known as GEICO = 3 (Pythagorean).
Though he played an instrumental role in getting Google listed publicly, however, he could never invest in Google. Let’s see the reason why.
Google 1 (Chaldean, Google Inc (Chaldean 1), and it is listed as GOGGL (Chaldean 1) all have Chaldean numerology value 1. Since his unfavorable number is 1, it has never let him earn from Google in the form of investments or by any other means.
This is very important to understand when it comes to investing in a business that our unfavorable number will never let us earn money and make it big.
Sergey Brin’s wealth number is 7, and Google = 7 (Pythagorean), Bill Gates’s name vibrations is 459.88, and if we check his real name William Henry Gates III, then it is also vibrating at 462.92 out of 497.93.
Here is the in-depth analysis of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk’ Wealth Number and NameVibrations®.
About The Consultant
Dinesh Atrish is a celebrity international Name Vibrations Specialist / Astrologer / Vastu consultant / Feng Shui practitioner.
Trains Stock Market Traders on Financial Astrology & Technical Analysis.
Call us at +91 9990513999 or email at
Baby Names | Business Name Numerology | Name Vibrations Reports | Stock Market Numerology
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