Business Name Vibrations
Few High Vibration Names Suggested By Us
Business Name |
Frequency (Max 497.91) |
IT Company | |
Brand Media Buddha | 490.01 |
Online Shop | |
Urban Street Wears | 493.16 |
Film Name | |
Jatt Jugadi Hunday Nay (Punjabi Movie) | 491.07 |
Film Editor (Hollywood) | |
Anuradha Ravinder Pratap Singh | 465 |
Brand Names |
Frequency(Max 497.91) |
Nike | 493.04 |
United Health Care | 489.92 |
HDFC Bank | 488.48 |
Meituan | 486.35 |
Starbucks | 480.66 |
Deutsche Telekom | 472.76 |
YouTube | 471.54 |
Toyota | 467.17 |
465.19 | |
Texas Instruments | 459.8 |
Hermès | 458.52 |
Wells Fargo | 458.47 |
UPS | 457.22 |
AIA | 455.5 |
About The Consultant
Dinesh Atrish is a celebrity international Name Vibrations Specialist / Astrologer / Vastu consultant / Feng Shui practitioner.
Trains Stock Market Traders on Financial Astrology & Technical Analysis.
Call us at +91 7042523259 or email at mail@dineshatrish.com
Baby Names | Business Names | Name Vibrations Reports | Stock Market Numerology
Vastu & Feng shui Tips
Five Elements Theory In Feng Shui
The "Five Elements" Theory of Feng Shui The way we have five elements in Vastu viz. Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Space. Feng Shui also talks about five elements viz. Water, Fire, Earth, Wood and Metal. Both Vastu & Feng Shui have three elements in common Water,...
Step by Step Guide to Declutter Your House
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Health and Healing
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The Lo Shu Square in Feng Shui
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Vastu and Directions [How To Check The Direction Of Your House]
How To Check The Direction Of Your HouseVastu Shastra and Directions Nowadays, people read an article or two online to ensure their house adheres to Vastu, Feng Shui principles and try implementing the suggestions given on these articles. However, they find it...
Feng Shui Schools of Thought
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