Business Name Numerology Calculator
How To Get the Business Name Ideas?
Just enter your Date of Birth and click on calculate. You will get:
- Your Birth/Psychic number and Destiny/Life Path number.
- Relationship between Birth number & Destiny numbers. It’s important to start a business name that matches with the Birth number & Destiny number.
- ‘Name Suggestions as per Birth Number’ tells you the preferred Business Name Total as per your Birth number. Favourable letters as per the Birth number, and letters and numbers to avoid while naming your business according to your Date of Birth.
- The section ‘Name Suggestions as per Destiny Number’. tells you the preferred Business Name Total as per your Destiny number. Favourable letters as per the Destiny number, and letters and numbers to avoid while naming your business according to your Date of Birth.
- If your birth number and destiny number are friendly to each other then you can start your business with either of the options.
- If your birth & destiny numbers are neutral to each other then also you can pick a name as per your choice.
- However, if your Birth number & Destiny numbers are not friends with each other then take help of a learned astrologer or numerologist.
Numerical Value of Alphabets (Chaldean & Pythagorean)
Chaldean : AIJQY = 1, BKR = 2, CGLS = 3, DMT = 4, EHNX = 5, UVW = 6, OZ = 7, FP = 8
Pythagorean : AJS = 1, BKT = 2, CLU = 3, DMV = 4, ENW = 5, FOX = 6, GPY = 7, HQZ = 8, IR = 9

Billionaires and their Wealth Numbers
It’s our years of research that provide a deeper insight into the Wealth number and Name Vibrations of a few of the most famous billionaires.
Warren Buffet was born on August 30, 1930, at 15:00, in Omaha, United States. As per his astrological chart his wealth number is 3, which is fortunately for him is his birth number too. And the number that has the capability to limit his growth is number 1.
His first name Warren is also 3 as per Chaldean numerology, and his Name Vibrations are 488.76 out of 497.93, which is pretty high. He has been inherently blessed with wealth energy since his childhood. No wonder he made his first investment in stocks at the age of 11.
When his money number is 3, his birth number is 3, and his name number (Warren) is also 3, then, obviously, he is bound to have wealth luck activated from a very early age.
A few of his best investments are AAPL = 3 (Pythagorean),
Government Employees Insurance Company = 3 (Chaldean), also known as GEICO = 3 (Pythagorean).
Though he played an instrumental role in getting Google listed publicly, however, he could never invest in Google. Let’s see the reason why.
Google 1 (Chaldean, Google Inc (Chaldean 1), and it is listed as GOGGL (Chaldean 1) all have Chaldean numerology value 1. Since his unfavorable number is 1, it has never let him earn from Google in the form of investments or by any other means.
This is very important to understand when it comes to investing in a business that our unfavorable number will never let us earn money and make it big.
Sergey Brin’s wealth number is 7, and Google = 7 (Pythagorean), Bill Gates’s name vibrations is 459.88, and if we check his real name William Henry Gates III, then it is also vibrating at 462.92 out of 497.93.
Here is the in-depth analysis of Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk’ Wealth Number and NameVibrations®.

Starting a New Business!
- Get a Business Name that starts with your Wealth letter
- The business name that totals to your Wealth Number.
- And, a Name that Vibrates at Higher Frequencies.
Who should go for the Paid Consultation?
Everyone doesn’t need the paid consultation, however, here are a few situations in one must seek an expert advice before starting the business:
- If your birth number & destiny number are not friendly to each other.
- If you are starting the business for the first time.
- If you are already running a business that is not yielding the desired income.
- If you are investing a substantial amount in your business.
- If you actually want to earn from your business and you are not giving it a shot just for the sake of it.
Being an entrepreneur is not everyone’s cup of tea, however, all of us have a deep desire in our hearts to have our own business venture someday.
We all know when we start a business we are not risking our capital but also our time & reputation.
Most of us think that it takes an amazing idea to be successful, however, we have seen Businesses or Businessmen that have a connection with their Wealth Number are the only ones that are successful beyond imagination.
Otherwise, thousands of Business start every day, but very few succeed.
So, invest in a name that is based on your wealth number.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Should we name our Business as per Birth Number or Destiny Number?
We should name our business as per our Wealth Number as it is the only number that has the propensity to attract wealth to our business. Apart from that Business NameVibrations® should be high.
Wealth number makes business effective and NameVibrations® improves its efficiency.
The bottom line is this, to run a business successfully you need a business name based on your wealth number and high NameVibrations®.
2. Is having a Business Name on Destiny number a key to success?
No, not at all. Read this case study of Warren Buffet his maximum number of businesses that failed were on his Destiny Number.
Most of his businesses that totaled to his wealth number gave him excellent returns. His first name also totaled to his wealth number and his NameVibrations® are also very high.
3. Is the Psychic Number the same as Driver Number ?
What people have popularly and for a long time been calling the Psychic number is, in fact, the Birth number; however, since the past some time, people have started giving them new names—few call it the Driver number and tomorrow someone will come up with a fancy name to attract people.
Birth number, Psychic number, Driver number or Main planet number is basically the total of your birth date (only the date). For instance, if you are born on 23 March 1991 then your birth number would be 2+3 = 5.
4. Are the Destiny number, Life Path number, and Conductor number the same?
Yes, that’s correct.
Destiny number, Life Path number, and Conductor number are the total of complete Date of Birth (Date + Month + Year).
If we go by the above example 23 March 1991 then we need to add this date to convert it to a single-digit number.
This is how the calculation goes 2+3 + 0+3 + 1+9+9+1 = 28 = 10 = 1. So the single digit value of the Business Name number is one.
About The Consultant
Dinesh Atrish is a celebrity international Name Vibrations Specialist / Astrologer / Vastu consultant / Feng Shui practitioner.
Trains Stock Market Traders on Financial Astrology & Technical Analysis.
Call us at +91 9990513999 or email at
Baby Names | Business Name Numerology | Name Vibrations Reports | Stock Market Numerology
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